A joint commitment to work to protect the Green Belt was delivered by Chipping Barnet's two leading parliamentary candidates -- Conservative MP Theresa Villiers and Labour challenger Dan Tomlinson -- at a general election hustings at the parish church.

Barnet and Southgate College have been told that no further action can be taken during the next six months to sell off the vacant Tudor Hall on its High Barnet campus opposite the parish church.

The five leading candidates standing in the general election for the Chipping Barnet constituency have been invited to appear at an election hustings to be held at Barnet parish church on Saturday 22 June at 7pm.

High Banet's popular Byng Road allotments owe their existence to the Dig for Victory campaign at the start of World War II which encouraged the home cultivation of fruit and vegetables.

Monken Hadley Church was one of 800 locations across the country where beacons were lit to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Barnet Museum is to take another step in its bid to try to convert the historic Tudor Hall into a national centre for explaining and commemorating the Wars of the Roses and the role of the 1471 Battle of Barnet.