Become a Member of The Barnet Society
Individual and Household Membership subscriptions are £10 and £15 respectively. The Enhanced Individual and Household Membership subscriptions are £15 and £25 and have a donation content providing support for our Newsletters and Website.
Annual Memberships
Individual Membership
The annual membership fee is £10.00 for an individual member. Members receive four newsletters each year and have access to the programme of meetings, and other events.
Enhanced Individual Membership
The annual membership fee is £10.00 for an individual member. However, a larger annual donation for the Enhanced Individual membership of £15 will allow us to continue funding our high-quality newsletter and website and would be much appreciated. Members receive 3 Newsletters and an Annual Report each year and have access to the programme of meetings, and other events.
Family Membership
The Family annual membership fee is £15.00. Members receive four newsletters each year and have access to the programme of meetings, and other events.
Enhanced Family Membership
The annual membership fee is £12.00 for a family. However, a larger annual donation for the Enhanced Household membership of £25 will allow us to continue funding our high-quality newsletter and website and would be much appreciated. Members receive 3 Newsletters and an Annual Report each year and have access to the programme of meetings, and other events.
Jyoti (parent) posted a comment on Main through route from High Barnet to Arkley closed to traffic as Thames Water repair collapsed sewer
Mina Metcalfe posted a comment on Barnet Council planning £22 million in cuts and another significant hike in council tax to tackle spending crisis
Nina posted a comment on The Barnet Society supports Barnet FC returning closer to its historic roots. But we have severe reservations about aspects of the Club’s case
Nat Dawbarn posted a comment on The designs for High Barnet Station car park are entirely out of scale and character with our neighbourhood. In return for such disruption, we deserve an accessible and environmentally enhancing transport hub