Become a Member of The Barnet Society

Individual and Household Membership subscriptions are £10 and £15 respectively.  The Enhanced Individual and Household Membership subscriptions are £15 and £25 and have a donation content providing support for our Newsletters and Website.

Annual Memberships

Individual Membership

The annual membership fee is £10.00 for an individual member.  Members receive four newsletters each year and have access to the programme of meetings, and other events.

Enhanced Individual Membership

The annual membership fee is £10.00 for an individual member.  However, a larger annual donation for the Enhanced Individual membership of £15 will allow us to continue funding our high-quality newsletter and website and would be much appreciated. Members receive 3 Newsletters and an Annual Report each year and have access to the programme of meetings,  and other events.

Family Membership

The Family annual membership fee is £15.00.  Members receive four newsletters each year and have access to the programme of meetings,  and other events.

Enhanced Family Membership

The annual membership fee is £12.00 for a family. However, a larger annual donation for the Enhanced Household membership of £25 will allow us to continue funding our high-quality newsletter and website and would be much appreciated. Members receive 3 Newsletters and an Annual Report each year and have access to the programme of meetings,  and other events.