- Written by Nick Jones
Regular customers at The Queens Arms, Barnet, have been fearing the worst with the doors remaining locked and no sign of life inside -- but they are being assured the closure is only temporary.
- Written by Nick Jones
Plans to demolish a group of workshops and other industrial premises mid-way between Barnet and Whetstone has revived family memories of how it was once the site of a well-regarded laundry serving customers in and around North London.
- Written by Nick Jones
Pioneering work by Chipping Barnet Foodbank is highlighting Barnet Council's shortcomings in tackling hardship resulting from food shortages and inadequate advice for needy families.
- Written by Nick Jones
Barnet residents should know by late February the full extent of the expenditure cuts which will have to be imposed by the borough council to reduce a looming budget deficit which could still top £50million.
- Written by Nick Jones
Whitings Hill Primary School is among the recent beneficiaries of a borough-wide Digital Inclusion project to repurpose surplus computer chrome books and laptops for use in schools across Barnet.
- Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Football Club has chosen a new site within the Green Belt at Underhill for a proposed £14 million new football stadium.