The London Festival of Architecture comes to Barnet in June!

21 May 2023
Written by Robin Bishop

The London Festival of Architecture (LFA) is a month-long celebration of architecture and city-making that takes place every June across London. This year, for the first time, Barnet is an official destination in the LFA’s exciting and varied programme of events around the theme ‘In Common’. Several are coming up in the north of our Borough.

  • 1-21 June Small Talk – Miniature Chair Exhibition

10:00-21:00 Barnet Museum, Unit 19 The Spires

  • 5, 14, 17 & 24 June Barnet commons – old and new

Barnet Society-led walks in and around Chipping Barnet 14:00-16:30 (further details below)

  • 5 June The Big Build

Activities for under-5s 10:00-11:00, Chipping Barnet Library

  • 9 June Design your dream library

Building activities for 7-11s, 15:00-16:00 New Barnet Library (New Barnet Leisure Centre)

  • 25 June Barnet Vale Festival talks

12:00-16:00 Drop-in community event at the pavilion in Tudor Park (pictured below)

More details about these – and the many other LFA events – can be found on the LFA website.

The Barnet Society is offering two circular walks around some of the almshouse gardens and newer shared spaces in and around the town centre.

We’ll visit (depending on the route) the remarkable Arts & Crafts Thomas Watson Cottage Homes, Ravenscroft Cottages and the modern New Ground co-housing for older women. We’ll ramble across remains of the ancient Barnet Common as well as more recent parks such as Highlands Gardens and Ravenscroft Park. And we’ll pass allotments, climb Whitings Hill and follow the secluded Dollis Brook. All these are inspiring examples of common space across the centuries.

All walks begin and end in the vehicle forecourt of High Barnet tube station. All include parts of the town centre, then head into the countryside – one to the south-west, the other to the north-east. Dates are as follows:

  • Monday 14:00-16:30 5 June – Walk 1 (Town centre and South-West)
  • Wednesday 14:00-16:30 14 June – Walk 2 (Town centre and North-East)
  • Saturday 14:00-16:30 17 June – Walk 1 (Town centre and South-West)
  • Saturday 14:00-16:30 24 June – Walk 2 (Town centre and North-East)

Tickets cost £5 (or £2.50 for unwaged). The maximum group size for each walk is 20, so book your place now!

Each is about 2.5 hours/4.5 miles long including rough (sometimes muddy) paths which disabled people would find challenging, and sturdy footwear is essential – as well as rainwear if the forecast is poor.

We’ll go at a gentle pace, and there will be frequent stops and opportunities to rest. If you have to leave before the end of the walk, TfL buses can return you to the town centre and High Barnet Station.

Refreshments are available in the town, but we advise bringing your own – especially water if the weather is warm.

The Society acknowledges with many thanks the help of a grant from Barnet Council.

Any queries? Please contact me, Robin Bishop, at or 020 8449 0088 / 07913 107046

Categories: News

Tags: #Countryside #Greenbelt #History #Walks

6 thoughts on “The London Festival of Architecture comes to Barnet in June!

  1. My daughter and I did the fascinating LFA walk (14 June) round Chipping Barnet and Hadley Green with Robin Bishop. I have lived 36 years in the area and still learnt an enormous amount.
    One of the highlights was seeing the beautiful gardens of New Ground Co-housing. Plus an excellent resume of the Battle of Barnet from another local resident.
    Thank you Robin and Frances. Definitely agree the walks should be repeated.

  2. The visit to New Ground is part of the walk on 14 June. Scroll down the article for booking details.

  3. I can’t find anywhere to book the visit to New Ground Cohousing on 14th June.

  4. Sorry to bother you but a query re the Barnet walks. Is there any possibility of them being repeated? I missed the June 5th one, can’t make 14th and 17th and find that the 24th is fully booked!!!! Thank you

  5. Thanks for spotting the error! The event on 5 June is for under-5s only.

  6. RE: 5 June The Big Build
    Activities for under-5s Activities for 7-11s 10:00-11:00, Chipping Barnet Library

    Needs clarifying – 7-11s will be back at school on Monday 5th June.

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