Ye Olde Monken Holt hosts London contestants in Rose of Tralee festival of Irish culture

28 May 2023
Written by Nick Jones

High Barnet publican Veronica McGowan has played a leading role in the selection of the London finalist for the Rose of Tralee International Festival which is to be held in County Kerry in August.

She was chair of the judging panel which chose the London entrant for an annual celebration of Irish culture which brings together women of Irish descent from around the world.

Ms McGowan – who was herself chosen as London’s Rose in 1981 – held a reception for this year’s London contestants at Ye Olden Monken Holt where she has been publican for the last six years.

She also escorted them to a reception at the Irish embassy in London and is seen above with the 2022 London Rose, Hayley Reynolds (left) and Amy Gillen (right) who is the newly selected 2023 London finalist.

Amy, a freelance musician, is a solo flutist and her debut flute album was released in April. She has recorded with RTE Lyric FM as soloist and with the RTE Concert Orchestra and RTE National Symphony Orchestra.

Ms McGowan seen outside her High Street hostelry, with the 2022 finalist Hayley Reynolds who lives in St Albans, said that she had been hosting an annual Rose event for the London contestants for the last six years and it has become a popular community event in High Barnet.

“As a former London Rose myself, it is important to grow the Rose of Tralee festival for young women from around the world.

“It is an expression of the Irish culture of the modern woman. It is definitely not a beauty pageant, but a chance for the contestants to display their passion for music, arts and literature and share that with the community.

“So, when we hold the reception at The Monk it is a real feel-good evening, and it is so encouraging that so many locals want to join us for such a happy Irish celebration.”

A vintage car display in the High Street was part of this year’s reception in High Barnet for this year’s London contestants who included Niamh Reilly of Wagon Road.

Michael O’Sullivan who entered his car in the display enjoyed his role as temporary chauffeur for three of the contestants.

Amy Gillen was chosen as the London entrant for the County Kerry festival at a reception at the Clayton Hotel, Chiswick.

The Rose of Tralee celebration has become one of Ireland’s top festivals as is held at Tralee, County Kerry, from 18 to 22 August and includes street entertainment, carnival and live outdoor concerts and theatre.

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