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17 Mar 2025 | Written by Robin Bishop
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NEW: Barnet Society meeting on 27 Feb
These Folk.
Friday 21 February, 3-4pm, Chipping Barnet Library.
A funny, beautiful and heartwarming show performed by two of the UK’s most experienced improvisers.
Book your free ticket -
The Barnet FC Walking Football Team
Is very proud to have won
The Walking Football Association
“ Club Of The Year 2024 “
Wonderful recognition of the hard work of all our players in creating our fab club
Thank you 🙏🏼
NEW: Latest plans for the High Barnet station car park site
All seasons pass holders will now have the chance to bring a friend to the Hive to every league game this season for 50% off up until the Yeovil game on the 4th of March! COYB's
Jyoti (parent) posted a comment on Main through route from High Barnet to Arkley closed to traffic as Thames Water repair collapsed sewer
Mina Metcalfe posted a comment on Barnet Council planning £22 million in cuts and another significant hike in council tax to tackle spending crisis
Nina posted a comment on The Barnet Society supports Barnet FC returning closer to its historic roots. But we have severe reservations about aspects of the Club’s case
Nat Dawbarn posted a comment on The designs for High Barnet Station car park are entirely out of scale and character with our neighbourhood. In return for such disruption, we deserve an accessible and environmentally enhancing transport hub