Volunteer fruit pickers are hoping for a bumper harvest of surplus produce to support foodbanks across the London Borough of Barnet.

A fund-raising campaign is underway to prevent a repeat this winter and next spring on the muddy conditions which disrupted an equine therapy centre for challenged youngsters at Greengates Stables in Mays Lane, Barnet.

Staff and volunteers at the Chipping Barnet and Dollis Valley foodbanks are being forced to start making arrangements for alternative supplies and deliveries -- especially of fresh fruit and vegetables -- following Barnet Council's decision to withdraw funding from the borough's foodbank hub.

Barnet parish church was transformed for its annual summer party -- and the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Tony Vourou, joined in the fun when teddy bears were hauled on a zip wire to the top of the tower.

After promoting the BringBarnetBack campaign for the last six months supporters say that they have been amazed by the enthusiasm they have found within the town for a possible return of Barnet Football Club to a new stadium in Underhill.

Two planning applications on neighbouring sites in Mays Lane, Barnet, reflect the continuing pressure for redevelopment on green belt land in the Dollis Valley.