Barnet parish church was transformed for its annual summer party -- and the Mayor of Barnet, Councillor Tony Vourou, joined in the fun when teddy bears were hauled on a zip wire to the top of the tower.

After promoting the BringBarnetBack campaign for the last six months supporters say that they have been amazed by the enthusiasm they have found within the town for a possible return of Barnet Football Club to a new stadium in Underhill.

Two planning applications on neighbouring sites in Mays Lane, Barnet, reflect the continuing pressure for redevelopment on green belt land in the Dollis Valley.

Residents, shopkeepers and bus passengers are among those who have been invited to give their views on a controversial plan to introduce bus lanes along much of the busiest section of Barnet High Street -- between the Wood Street junction at the parish church and the junction with Meadway.

What should be the future priorities for High Barnet? The creation of local employment and a successful town centre or the continued loss of jobs through the demolition of business premises to make way for additional housing?

Missing for several days from the bus stand beside The Spires shopping centre has been the 399 service from High Barnet to Hadley Wood station.