Widening High Street pavement

22 Jan 2017
Written by Nick Jones

A plan to widen the pavement on one side of Barnet High Street, from the Post Office to just beyond the entrance to the Spires shopping centre, is about to go out for public consultation.

Barnet Council hopes that the built-out pavement, which would result in the loss of seven parking spaces, will improve comfort and safety for pedestrians, and provide room for benches, litter bins and tree planting.

The Barnet Society has been campaigning for some years, together with the Barnet Town Team, for improvements that would help to make the High Street more attractive.

Traffic engineers say that building-out pavements and reducing the number of cars pulling in and out of parking spaces usually speeds the flow of traffic.

Funding would be provided under the London Implementation Plan, administered by Transport for London, for assisting with improvements in the London boroughs.

The aim is for the High Street pavement build-out to go out for public consultation at the end of January, for a three-week period, and subject to any further modifications, the scheme would qualify for the current round of LIP funding which closes at the end of March.

The plan shows that the pavement build-out would extend from the Post Office all the way to just beyond the pedestrian crossing outside the Spires shopping centre entrance, allowing for the installation of benches, bins, cycle hoops and the planting of up to 18 trees.

As part of the scheme, there would be the loss of seven parking spaces, reducing to 56 the number of parking spaces along the entire length of the High Street, from the tube station to Hadley Green.

There would also be the loss of the High Street loading bay situated close to the  Union Street junction, but two new loading bays would be established, one in Salisbury Road and the other in Union Street, to assist deliveries to High Street shops.

Inset in the additional paving would be space for slabs marking the route of a possible heritage trail from Barnet Museum towards the site of the Battle of Barnet.  

Although traffic engineers are confident that pavement build-outs do not reduce the speed of traffic flow, there are potential drawbacks.  

The two pedestrian crossings, close to the Post Office and outside the Spires, would be shortened allowing a speed-up in the timing of the traffic lights, which might inconvenience some pedestrians.

Build-out pavements do mean there is less room for cyclists, and can have unforeseen consequences at road junctions.

Although traffic turning into Union Street would probably not be affected, a build out at the exit from Salisbury Road might make it more difficult for buses turning right into the High Street.

The latest proposed make-over follows a redesign four years ago of the garden beside Church Passage, the installation of seating, and the planning of trees in the High Street, from Barnet Police Station towards High Barnet tube station.

10 thoughts on “Widening High Street pavement

  1. The main problem of the high street is the lack of parking space and the fact that the parking in the Spire is a rip off, so people do not come to High Barnet to shop.

    Making the pavement nicer is a good idea but it will not be enough to get people back in the shops.

  2. High Street Build out consultation is chaotic. A proposal, Option Two was adopted by the Area Committee on 6th July 2016 and includes a built out pavement from the Post Office to the Spires, retaining existing parking bays and loading bay outside Snappy Snaps with five extra paring bays. This is broadly supported by most local residents and High Street traders. However, what has gone to consultation is a plan which surfaced in January proposing the removal of the seven parking and loading bay on the western side of the High Street and siting loading bays at the narrowest points in Salisbury Road and Union Street – in order to plant 16 trees and a line of benches. This is supposed to attract and retain local businesses and traders on the High Street! Canvassing since the delayed (and selective) consultation has attracted over a thousand signatures opposing the January scheme. Local residents and traders propose a modified scheme which retains most of the parking bays and includes trees and removal of dangerous loading bays in side streets but the limited deadline of 20th April (with Easter falling between) is, in the circumstances, unrealistic. Consultation should be suspended until the public is properly informed of the various schemes and a plan accepted by all is agreed rather than the obstructive process leading to divisions in the Barnet community.

  3. Interesting that Barnet council has not consulted the people it will affect most, the businesses along this stretch of the High Street.
    This will be the most attractive empty high street in the borough!

  4. Shopping in Dripping Barnet
    Several years ago contractors resurfaced our High Street. They covered over the traditional cobbled gutters and in doing so prevented large quantities of water from reaching the drains. Consequently on rainy days we have to negotiate pools to get onto the two pedestrian crossings, and at the junction with Union Street we must make sure we do not get soaked by cars speeding through the mini lake there. I was reminded of that situation on a recent rainy trip to The Spires. The contractors there seem unaware of some basic principles of pavement laying namely that it is not advisable to attempt to lay a perfectly flat paved open area, and that drains should be placed at the lowest locations. Consequently we should put on our waterproof foot ware when we go shopping in Dripping Barnet.

  5. Crikey, don’t people want a nicer higher street to attract more shoppers and therefore better shops? You should have moved to Croydon although I hear there are plans to prettify that area now as well.
    This is a no brainier.

  6. Never noticed the need for anything like this I must say. Perhaps occasionally on the other side where there`s a well-used bus stop but not where they are proposing it.

  7. Brilliant.
    Anything to make our High Street more attractive to look at and walk down sounds like a fantastic idea. Seven parking spaces isn’t many at all to lose and you can park free for an hour in the car park in Moxon Street.

  8. This is a disaster for Union Street residents. We recently established a Union Street Residents Association (USRA) to protect and improve the environment of our street and community Parking is already a major issue because Union Street is used as a rat run, exacerbated by businesses, Cherry Lodge Cancer Care, Longrove Surgery, a Respite Centre and the Catholic Church congregations. USRA has asked for the pavements at the High Street end to be repaired post the Older Women’s Co Housing complex but so far this has been rejected. It is clear the presumption is that the council intends to go ahead with the High Street project to ‘prettify’ at the expense of residents’ quality of life.

  9. This is a high street! How does this affect local businesses? Shortage of parking is already badly affecting local businesses. There’s a park with better views and more green just round the corner!! Looks like the makings of a good view to empty shops!

  10. I love the idea of the trees, but am concerned about the loss of parking spaces.

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