Sixty stalls, a children’s funfair, and display of classic cars will fill High Street for annual Barnet Christmas Fayre
A children’s competition which is being organised with the help of shops along the High Street is part of the promotional build-up for this year’s Barnet Christmas Fayre on Sunday 4 December.
Once again, the High Street will be closed to traffic all day and packed with a wide variety of food and craft stalls, a children’s funfair, and an exhibition of classic and vintage cars.
There will be two performances of this year’s show at The Bull Theatre – The Grinch’s Christmas Adventure.
Events will be held at locations around the town centre: music and dancing in a marquee in the courtyard of Barnet and Southgate College; a Christmas market at the Wesley Hall; stalls and Punch and Judy show at The Spires shopping centre; and choirs and music at the parish church of St John the Baptist.
Barnet Borough Arts Council leads the organisation of the annual fayre and the aim is to promote shops and business along the High Street while giving local groups and organisations a chance to raise their profile. ( )
Susi Earnshaw, artistic director at The Bull Theatre, said an innovation this year is a children’s competition with High Street shops displaying coloured stickers as part of the Christmas Grinch Trail.
Children who manage to complete a list all the shops taking part get 10 per cent off tickets for The Grinch’s Christmas Adventure.
The show – “a high energy, all singing, all dancing extravaganza with whacky characters” – is being staged from Thursday 1 December to Saturday 24 December.
There are two performances on the day of the Christmas Fayre – at 11 am and 3 pm (tickets £10).
The High Street will be closed to through traffic from 7.30 am to 7 pm and to encourage attendance there is free parking in the town (except in The Spires car park).
Councillor Alison Moore, the Mayor of Barnet, will open the fayre near the Post Office cutting a red ribbon at 12noon.
She will be supported by The Bull Theatre Players and the band of the Barnet Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association.
After the official opening, the mayor will watch performances in the marquee in the college courtyard before giving her annual address.
Councillor Moore has asked that all donations should go to her chosen charities: Homeless Action in Barnet, Barnet Food Hub, and Space2Grow Children and Young People’s Fund.
Other attractions will include a Santa’s grotto at The Bull Theatre; Punch and Judy and Sunday Street Food Market at the bandstand entrance to Waitrose; a Christmas market in Wesley Hall; choirs and music at Barnet parish church with bell ringing at 3pm; and a bar and food at the Chipping Workshop.
St John Ambulance will be in attendance and any lost children should be taken to The Bull Theatre.
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