Roadworks herald faster broadband

6 Apr 2017
Written by Nick Jones

Virgin Media is to offer homes and businesses in High Barnet a rival broadband service after long-standing complaints that British Telecom has failed to satisfy the demand of around 3,000 households for a superfast connection.

Installation of Virgin Media’s latest broadband network has already started in and around Meadway, and signs have been erected in Mays Lane warning that work is about to commence in and around the Dollis Valley area.

To publicise the roll-out of its FTTP service (fibre to the premises), Virgin Media is holding a community information event at the Hope Corner Community Centre in Mays Lane from 5-7pm on Tuesday 25 April.

Virgin Media roadworks signVirgin Media says the company has identified Barnet as a key location for the expansion of its ultra-fast broadband network and the FTTP technology will provide a connection right outside individual properties.

The roll-out in and around High Barnet “has been agreed by the council”, and Virgin Media insists it will be working with the local highway department to ensure that “disruption is kept to a minimum”.

The first step was to lay the trunk fibre to allow services direct to homes, and by using a small number of gangs to do the work, Virgin Media hope to retain Barnet Council’s full support.

Theresa Villiers, the Chipping Barnet MP, and the campaign group Fibre4Barnet – together with the Barnet Society — have all been campaigning for some years to secure an improved service for High Barnet homes lacking a superfast broadband connection.

Categories: Broadband

Tags: #Theresa Villiers

3 thoughts on “Roadworks herald faster broadband

  1. I went to their ‘information’ event.
    They are proposing genuine fibre to the property, though this drops to coax within the property. then to ethernet. (This is probably good, as they say fibre within a domestic environment has to be considered fragile.)
    They do seem to be targeting all of Chipping Barnet, (and in response to another comment, yes Leeside is on the list)
    I am interested, though the roadworks may be disruptive and I don’t think anything will be available until about September 2017

  2. I hope that Virgin don’t leave the area behind the Spires until last as BT did.

  3. We were with Virgin and they compulsorily farmed us out to TalkTalk a couple of years ago so we moved our broadband to BT in line with our landline in the expectation that in the future BT would extend their fibre optic broadband to our area. We are still waiting..

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