Redevelopment finally seems likely alongside vacant New Barnet gas works site

9 Jan 2023
Written by Nick Jones

Despite an ongoing planning dispute about building over 500 homes on the former gas works site in New Barnet, developers Citystyle Fairview are seeking the go ahead for the construction of two blocks of flats on land fronting onto Victoria Road.

A revised application for planning approval is about to be considered for the initial phase of the redevelopment.

But because of changes to the scheme, at the junction of Albert Road and Victoria Road – see above — the Save New Barnet campaign is urging Barnet Council to impose a series of safeguards.

Fairview are back in the High Court later this month in a renewed attempt to overturn a planning inspector’s decision to refuse permission for a total of 13 blocks of flats on the whole of the gas works site, providing a total of 539 flats. 

The long-drawn out saga over redeveloping what is one of the largest vacant sites in the borough is now in its 14th year.

Fairview have already lost one appeal to the High Court but despite a series of embarrassing defeats, the company’s barrister has secured a 30-minute oral hearing (on Wednesday 18 January) to argue that the earlier application for a judicial review should not have been dismissed.

Last July a planning inspector rejected an appeal against Barnet Council’s refusal to grant planning permission for the 539 flats in blocks ranging from four to seven storeys.

New Barnet Community Association and the Save New Barnet Campaign welcomed the decision and have consistently urged Fairview to revert to an earlier scheme for 371 flats which was approved in 2017.  

In view of their continued failure to get approval for the bulk of the scheme, Fairview are seeking to start the initial phase of the redevelopment.

Contractors are currently preparing the ground for the foundations following the demolition of vacant buildings, including a former Salvation Army hall in Albert Road.

The revised application for the two four-storey blocks of flats, which would front onto Victoria Road, follows clearance of the site.

One of the two blocks – H and J on the above diagram – would have 37 flats and the other 29.

There is a separate application for a temporary car park with 108 spaces which would be sited next to the main railway line – and would be in place for three years until completion of a new underground car park for the proposed redevelopment.

Save New Barnet and the community association say they cannot understand why Fairview want to press ahead with the two blocks before getting agreement for redeveloping the entire gas works site.

They are disappointed that there is no provision for the promised widening of Albert Road.

There is also no guarantee that the developers will provide amenity space for the two blocks on the Albert Road/Victoria Road junction.

Another concern is that the two blocks do not include any four-bedroom flats.

As a condition for approving the plans, they say the proportion of four-bed homes and social ownership should be preserved in the development the rest of the site.

Maisonettes and mews houses which were to have been built along with the two new blocks should also be incorporated into the enlarged development.

The deadline for comments about the revised plans is Friday 13 January.

Categories: News

1 thought on “Redevelopment finally seems likely alongside vacant New Barnet gas works site

  1. a comments deadline of friday the same week, is astonishing short. or did they hide it all over the christmas/new year period?

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