Queen’s representative at QE Girls’ summer fair

1 Jul 2018
Written by Nick Jones

To help celebrate the school’s 130th anniversary, pupils at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School, Barnet, organised a wide range of events for their summer fair.

Martin Russell, the Deputy Lord Lieutenant for Barnet, praised the school for its recent academic successes. He was welcomed by the headteacher, Violet Walker.

As the Queen’s representative, Mr Russell said it was most appropriate that he should be a guest at the fair.

“I must admit it’s the first time I have been to the school as deputy lord lieutenant and I do wish all the pupils well.”

Among those entertaining parents and visitors was the school group, Not Quite Sure.

The fair was organised by QEGSA, the school’s parent teacher association.

Among the stalls was a stand for the Young Barnet Foundation which is helping organisations that support young people in the borough.

“So far we have signed up over 140 organisations that cater for youngsters aged between five and 25. We are ready to offer them expertise if they need to raise money or their profile,” said Charlotte Austin, the foundation’s community connector.

For further information see info@youngbarnetfoundation.org.uk