Author Searched: Nick Jones

News Results

30 Apr 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
A donation of £750,000 will enable work to start this summer on the construction of a new eco-friendly environment centre for Barnet and the site clearance needed for the new Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. Years of doubt and uncertainty about the future of the much-loved eight-acre nature reserve in Byng Road could finally be over.

30 Apr 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
North London’s much-troubled plan for handling municipal rubbish and waste is out for consultations once again.

17 Apr 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Society publication ‘Rambles Round Barnet’ is the no 1 local best-seller at Waterstones Barnet! The booklet is the work of Society members, Owen Jones and David Ely, who carried out the research, walked the walks and wrote them up.

9 Apr 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
A fresh start for retailing in Chipping Barnet: the Spires shopping centre has been purchased by the William Pears Group, one of Britain’s biggest privately-owned property groups which keeps a low profile but has its roots in north London.  Contracts have been exchanged and the sale of the shopping centre by UBS Triton is due

31 Jan 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
Restoring and putting to good use Barnet’s rich heritage of historic buildings has become an increasingly challenging task which makes the story behind the project to preserve and re-open the former Red Cross building in St Albans’ Road all the more remarkable.  Ten years ago the Red Cross indicated that it intended to vacate what

31 Jan 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Football Club’s match against Wycombe Wanderers in the npower League 2 on Saturday 20 April will be the Bees’ last fixture at Barnet’s Underhill stadium. From the end of August and the start of the 2013-14 season, Barnet FC’s home fixtures will be played at the Hive Football Centre in Camrose Avenue, Edgware.

31 Jan 2013 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Football Club’s departure going ahead as planned.  Barnet Football Club’s match against Wycombe Wanderers in the npower League 2 on Saturday 20 April will be the Bees’ last fixture at Barnet’s Underhill stadium.

New frontage for Barnet Museum
10 Sep 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Museum has been fighting for its life since December 2010 when the Council announced that it would be withdrawing its funding. The Museum is managed by Barnet & District Local History Society and run entirely by volunteers.

10 Sep 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet’s former town hall, opposite St John’s Church, provides a positive reminder of the imaginative uses which can be found for redundant municipal property. This iconic building has now completed three years as the home of the North London Coroner’s Court and its future seems assured.

The Black Horse
20 Aug 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
Like so much of the rest of the country High Barnet is losing its historic public houses at an alarming rate.

Church Passage
10 Aug 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
Some long-awaited summer sunshine in late July provided the final seal of approval for Barnet’s town centre uplift and the newly-created meeting and seating area beside St John’s Church.  Instead of a line of forbidding holly bushes there are now new walkways and benches, sweet smelling lavender in freshly formed flower beds, and an attractive

20 Feb 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
A major planning application for the redevelopment of the former Middlesex University campus at Cat Hill in New Barnet was rejected by Enfield Council in March 2012. The redevelopment scheme is for new housing by L&Q, the same Housing Association that will be developing affordable homes at Dollis Valley.

20 Feb 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
An exhibition was held in mid-January to show plans for the proposed redevelopment of St Martha's Convent Junior School on Union Street prior to a planning application being made. The proposals are for 26 one, two and three bedroomed flats for older women (Older Womens Co-Housing, or OWCH!) and include shared facilities and generous gardens.

20 Feb 2012 | Written by Nick Jones
Noah’s Ark Childrens’ Hospice has received planning consent for reserved matters for their proposed redevelopment of Barnet Countryside Centre (the former Curriculum Centre) in Byng Road.

5 Jul 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
In 2011 an application to demolish the Barnet Court House and replace it with a modern block of flats was refused by the Council and that decision was subsequently upheld at appeal.

View from Church Tower
5 Jul 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
People have again been enjoying the view from the top the tower of our parish church, St John the Baptist. The tower is reputedly the highest point between here and York.  Details of the tower openings and Saturday morning concerts are here.

11 Mar 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
The constitution of The Barnet Society requires us to seek to protect the Green Belt around Chipping Barnet. Indeed that was the Society’s founding purpose.

27 Feb 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
The Barnet Society has been lobbying the Council for some time for a Town Centre Framework for Chipping Barnet, in line with its promise to provide one under adopted Planning Policy.

27 Feb 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
Proposals for the phased redevelopment of the Dollis Valley estate are advancing.  The overall development will be in five phases, spread over a period of about five years.  There will eventually be approximately 630 new homes of which some 390 will be for sale, including intermediate sale, and at least 230 rented.

27 Feb 2011 | Written by Nick Jones
Plans are underway. masterminded by the Barnet Residents Association, for a 10-day festival this summer to showcase local talent and places of entertainment. It will run from 17th - 26th June. This is a new venture and, if successful, could become an annual event.

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