News Results

16 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
A derelict former nurses’ home that has been an eyesore for years will finally be demolished under plans to build flats and townhouses on the Marie Foster Care Home site in Wood Street, Barnet. NHS Property Services has put the two-and-a-half-acre site up for sale.

16 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
A service to institute and induct its new vicar, the Reverend Andy Rimmer, was described as a moment to celebrate the commitment shown by Christ Church, in St Albans Road, to reach out to the High Barnet community.

13 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
High Barnet police station is one of 30 or so across London where a front counter service to the public is likely to be withdrawn under a cost-cutting plan announced by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

11 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Neil Kinnock led the tributes at a party to celebrate the 93rd birthday party for Fred Jarvis, Barnet’s most celebrated trade unionist – and a New Barnet resident for over 60 years.

7 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Reaching out to local schools to explain and promote Barnet’s role in the Wars of the Roses is one of the key objectives of the lottery-funded Battle of Barnet project.

3 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, re-opened High Barnet’s Roman Catholic church after the completion of a 100-seat extension and extensive refurbishment.

Nick Jones
24 Aug 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
New Ground co-housing, the innovative flats for older women in Union Street, High Barnet, have been declared overall winner of the prestigious 2017 Housing Design Awards – and are now up for another accolade. The Barnet Society is nominating the development for recognition in Barnet Council’s newly-launched 2017 Architecture Awards.

17 Aug 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
After failing its first public examination, Ark Pioneer Academy (APA) is back for a re-sit – this time a planning application for a new 1,200-place secondary school and 6th form.

10 Aug 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
A survey is to be undertaken to discover the extent of local interest and reaction to the prospect of housing development on the Whalebones green space, between Barnet Hospital and Wood Street.

10 Aug 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
A £10,000 pledge of support from the Spires shopping centre has given an all-important boost to the crowd-funding campaign to raise £56,000 to stage a monthly teenage market in Barnet from Easter next year.

4 Aug 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Internal fixtures and fittings are being added to a 100-seat extension to the Roman Catholic Church in Union Street, ready for its re-consecration by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, on Sunday 3 September. Seating capacity at the Church of Mary Immaculate and St Gregory the Great is being increased from 240 to 340.

30 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Roads running between High Barnet and New Barnet merge together almost seamlessly today, but in the 1930s, when farmland still separated the two towns, the footpath up to the shops in the High Street was through fields filled with cows.

30 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
To the dismay of its owner, Barnet Council has refused planning permission for a semi-derelict shop in Union Street, High Barnet, to be demolished and replaced with either a two-bedroom house or two one-bedroom flats.

29 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
The Barnet Press, once one of the most respected weekly newspapers in North London, has ceased publication after steadily losing circulation and struggling financially. Established in 1859 by the Cowing family, the Barnet Press was originally published and printed at its premises in Barnet High Street.

22 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Local ramblers who have followed the guiding notes in ‘Rambles Round Barnet’ Part 1 for Walk 1 may well be familiar with the changing fortunes of the footpath that leads from Totteridge Common to the Dollis Valley.

17 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
An unrivalled display of images of Richard III, from his role in the 1471 Battle of Barnet until his death in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field, has been amassed by photographer Geoffrey Wheeler.

13 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Generations of Barnet children have enjoyed a trip on the miniature railway that circles the Wood Street garden of Ian Johnson, a well-known retired doctor and skilled model engineer, famed his collection of model steam engines.

13 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Six months to install a mini-roundabout – an entry perhaps for the Guinness Book of Records – but worth the wait if safety and traffic flow improves at one of High Barnet’s notorious traffic junctions. Work has finally been completed on road realignment and resurfacing at the junction of Wellhouse Lane and Wood Street.

3 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
A 120ft garden at a traditional Edwardian semi-detached house in Normandy Avenue, Barnet, has secured recognition from the National Garden Scheme – a long-held ambition for the owners. Derek Epstein and Jo Vargas will be welcoming visitors to their garden on Sunday 23 July to raise money for charity.

3 Jul 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
Enthusiasts and local residents gathered in their hundreds on Hadley Green for a picnic lunch and Sunday afternoon of music at the sixth annual Jazz on the Green, organised by Hadley Residents Association.

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