Tag Searched: #Totteridge Academy

News Results

25 Oct 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
A community farm being established next to Totteridge Academy held a well-attended half-term family day when parents, pupils and children joined working parties to help prepare land and start planting.

4 Sep 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
A school and community farm in a six-acre field next to Totteridge Academy is a step closer to being established after the success of a fund-raising appeal.

26 May 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
A school farm to be established in a 5.8 acre-field next to Totteridge Academy, in Barnet Lane, is to start off with a mini flock of Shetland sheep and several beehives.

8 Mar 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
Ark Pioneer Academy, built on the site of the Underhill football stadium, opens in September Ark Pioneer Academy, High Barnet’s new secondary school opening in September, has started holding drop in sessions for potential parents and pupils – heightening the debate about its impact on other nearby schools.

9 Feb 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
For our spring public forum, the Barnet Society has arranged for an expert panel to answer questions of local interest on key issues such as the future of education and training, prospects for local employment, plans for new housing and future safeguards for the Green Belt.

11 Aug 2016 | Written by Nick Jones
Nine pupils from Totteridge Academy have been awarded special commendations by the educational charity TalentEd which enlists retired teachers to help pupils from low-income households to develop self-awareness and study skills.