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News Results

23 Jan 2025 | Written by Nick Jones
A plan to introduce bus lanes along both sides of the busiest section of Barnet High Street -- between the Wood Street junction at the Barnet parish church and Meadway -- has been approved by Barnet Council and Transport for London. Only six objections were registered after 456 letters were sent to nearby residents and businesses.

22 Oct 2019 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Council is asking for the views of residents on plans to introduce an annual charge for the fortnightly collection of household garden waste. If the charge is agreed – saving the council £700,000 a year – only green bins with a special sticker will continue to be collected.

3 Nov 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
High Barnet’s police station will close to the public by the end of the year along with 36 other police stations across London where the Metropolitan Police is withdrawing a front counter service.

13 Sep 2017 | Written by Nick Jones
High Barnet police station is one of 30 or so across London where a front counter service to the public is likely to be withdrawn under a cost-cutting plan announced by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

23 Feb 2016 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet a hot spot for lost and stolen disabled badges...but a woeful response.  More blue disabled badges were lost or stolen in Barnet last year than in any other London borough, but the latest government statistics show the council’s efforts to enforce the law against misuse are way behind that of some neighbouring local authorities.

13 Jan 2016 | Written by Nick Jones
Junior doctors from Barnet Hospital spent their strike day collecting signatures in support of the British Medical Association’s petition to the Prime Minister urging the government to agree a contract that is “fair for doctors, safe for patients and provides a future for the NHS”.

8 Jan 2016 | Written by Nick Jones
The future operation of the 107 bus service, which has stops in High Barnet on its route between Edgware and New Barnet, is in doubt because of a decision by Hertfordshire County Council to make further cuts in its funding for subsidised bus routes.

18 Oct 2015 | Written by Nick Jones
Violet Walker, the new head teacher at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School, has every justification for her assertion that she felt instantly at home on taking up the head-ship at the start of the new academic year in September.

5 Oct 2015 | Written by Nick Jones
Some six or seven years ago the Barnet Society was solidly involved in the early public discussion and consultation on this project.

4 Aug 2015 | Written by Nick Jones
Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School has just recorded its best-ever GCSE results – a high point in the career of the retiring headmistress Kate Webster. The school’s success has coincided with a plea by the Barnet Society for school’s oldest buildings, largely obscured by modern additions, to be given protected status by Barnet Council.

21 Apr 2015 | Written by Nick Jones
All seven primary schools in High Barnet and Underhill have again been oversubscribed, leaving 32 children without an agreed place in September – yet another indication of the strength of local demand for an additional school.

22 Feb 2015 | Written by Nick Jones
Valley Pre-School, a community-run nursery for children on the Dollis Valley estate, is appealing to Barnet Council for a three-month stay of execution of a notice to quit its temporary premises.

3 Nov 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
After a rising number of complaints about blue disabled badges being used unlawfully by motorists, High Barnet Police say they are stepping up uniformed patrols and will take action against drivers breaking the law.

7 Sep 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Chants of “Our NHS, your NHS” echoed around the Wellhouse Lane entrance to Barnet Hospital as the People’s March for the NHS passed through Barnet on its way to Edmonton.

1 Sep 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Face-painting, games, balloons and cups of tea were among the attractions at Barnet Police Station’s open day as a full complement from the uniformed ranks were on hand to welcome local residents, families and children.

19 Jun 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Parents of children due to start school from 2016 onwards are being urged to sign a petition to support a campaign to establish a new Church of England free school for High Barnet.

4 Jun 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Around 2,000 boys from across London and the Home Counties are again expected to apply to study at Barnet’s award-winning Queen Elizabeth’s Boys’ School, which has just begun the selection process for the 180 places that will be available in September 2015.

27 May 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Transport for London has turned down a suggestion by the Barnet Society that by slightly extending the final destination of the 34 bus service (Walthamstow Central to Barnet) there could be a reorganisation of bus stops at the top of Barnet Hill and an easing of traffic congestion.

29 Apr 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
Barnet Council has almost £150,000 available which could be spent immediately on improving the road junction at the top of Barnet Hill, if only an agreement could be reached on how best to ease traffic congestion and make it safer for pedestrians.

19 Apr 2014 | Written by Nick Jones
A new layout for High Barnet’s bus stops could benefit passengers and speed up traffic flow.  Transport for London has been asked to consider reorganising the bus stops at the top of Barnet Hill in order to reduce traffic congestion around Barnet parish church and to provide easier access for bus passengers.

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