New Vicar for Christ Church

16 Sep 2017
Written by Nick Jones

A service to institute and induct its new vicar, the Reverend Andy Rimmer, was described as a moment to celebrate the commitment shown by Christ Church, in St Albans Road, to reach out to the High Barnet community.

The Bishop of Edmonton, the Reverend Bob Wickham, told a packed congregation (13.9.2017) that the appointment of a new vicar indicated that Christ Church was going from strength to strength.

“Christ Church has been a real beacon of hope for High Barnet in the work it does assisting the community, and the growing number of elderly residents.”

He praised members of the church for their effort and dedication in opening its Open Door community centre in what was formerly Christ Church School.

Other similarly praiseworthy initiatives were the Holidays at Home week held at the church each August for 40 or more elderly and housebound residents, and Christ Church’s role in sustaining the Hope Corner community centre as part of Barnet’s Churches Together initiative.

The Bishop said the beginning of a new ministry was also a moment of hope for any church and he was sure that under the Reverend Rimmer’s leadership Christ Church would go from strength to strength.

As he shook hands with the congregations after his institution and induction, the Reverend Rimmer said his first priority was to listen to the community.

Categories: General News

Tags: #High Barnet