Live theatre back in East Barnet – for one day only!

24 Aug 2020
Written by Nick Jones

Kenneth Grahame’s classic children’s story The Wind in the Willows is to be performed live in the open air at East Barnet – a rare chance for a family outing for theatre lovers who have missed out on so much during the many months of lockdown.

Two performances are being staged on Friday 28 August – at 4pm and 6pm – by Illyria, a professional company famous for its outdoor theatre productions.
Three actors – who are in their own protective “bubble” – will tell the tale of the adventures of toad, mole, rat and badger at Oak Hill Park Golf Course, East Barnet.

The two one-hour performances will be fully compliant with social distancing: there were will be three metres between the stage and the audience and there were be two-metre distancing between family groups, who can bring rugs or low-backed chairs.
Tickets cost £10 each for adults and £5 for children aged four to 16 (see booking details below). Gates open 30 minutes before the performance.

Illyria’s offer to stage The Wind in the Willows at East Barnet is the sole event in this year’s programme of Theatre in the Park organised by Barnet Arts, Barnet Borough Arts Council.

“We feared we would be unable to stage any productions this summer, but then we were approached by Illyria and they offered to present The Wind in the Willows,” said Ros Staines, box officer manager and Barnet Arts committee member and trustee.
“This is a real chance for a family outing to see a live, outdoor, theatre performance and we are so pleased to welcome Illyria to East Barnet as it looked as if we had lost the entire Theatre in the Park season this year.
“We are expecting a real treat as Kenneth Grahame’s perennial classic is brought to life in Illyria’s inimitable style.”

Ms Staines is hoping the easing of lockdown will strengthen the chances of organising other local events in the coming months.
The highlight each year is the Barnet Christmas Fair – when the High Street is closed one Sunday before Christmas – and Barnet Arts will be meeting in September to review whether an event is possible this December.
Tickets for The Wind in the Willows must be booked in advance at; email; or telephone 07071 781 745

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