Keep Barnet Clean Campaign

3 Jan 2019
Written by Nick Jones

“Don’t be mean, keep Barnet clean” is the message on posters which have been appearing outside parks and on street signs around Barnet in a do-it-yourself campaign by local youngsters.

Members of a church children’s club have been producing the posters under the direction on their leader Gill Cunnington.

Original drawings and slogans are featured on the posters which all vary in their design, but which could not be clearer in the messages they are trying to convey.

“Clean up after your dog! The poo fairy doesn’t live here…Scoop your poop! Why don’t you re-use old sofas, beds and chairs. Don’t put them on the street. Take them to the dump.”

Messages of encouragement have been posted on the Nextdoor High Barnet community website thanking Ms Cunnington for her initiative and for the flair and imagination local youngsters have shown in their keep Barnet tidy campaign.

She says that after the children’s club made the posters, they went one step further and started fastening them to fences around Barnet.

“We are trying to get the message across that it is important to love where you live.”

Among the messages of support are offers to help distribute and hang up any more of the posters produced by the club.

This do-it-yourself initiative to keep Barnet clean could not be more topical in view of repeated complaints about the tipping and dumping of rubbish in St Albans Road (opposite Old Fold Manor Golf Club) and along Galley Lane.

Piles of builders’ rubbish lie alongside abandoned tyres, fridges, mattresses, old clothes and other assorted detritus.

6 thoughts on “Keep Barnet Clean Campaign

  1. Many Barnet residents seem to forget that we share our streets with urban foxes who don’t have anyone to clear up after them.

  2. I am a responsible dog owner and ALWAYS clean up after my dog, however I am amazed at the amount of fouling left on the pavements by selfish irresponsible owners. they must realise how damaging this is to all pet owners and gives such a bad image. If you own a dog, it is your responsibility, duty and respect to yourself and others to CLEAN-UP.
    Ridgeview Road and Naylor road including those roads around this area are a particular problem, however this plea to PICK-UP after your pet applies everywhere.
    Poop bags are cheap so apart from being selfish/lazy and or bloody minded, there is no excuse.
    C’mon, you Love your pet, do the right thing..CLEAN-UP.

  3. Well done to these children. Unfortunately things are unlikely to change until people stop voting Conservative. Our council is so incompetent that it can’t even collect the rubbish that is put in the bins. We really must have the worst council in London.

  4. I am constantly disgusted by the amount of litter on our pavements and in our parks.
    I try to clear up near where I live, but it has become awful on an industrial scale. Especially in my local park.
    Conditions in London as a whole have definitely deteriorated .what must visitors think of us.

  5. We have formed three groups of litter pickers so far. 21 people turned out to day amd.picked up 31 bags of litter in Mill Hill and a load of builders detritus. Edgware is just setting up. Its about actiin and education. Barnet have no money while Capita costs spiral. Mill Hill Litter Picjers and Colindale are happy to chat to anyone who wants to help link the borough.

  6. Radical suggestion possibly given the political landscape in Barnet but would it be an idea to invest properly in public services in order to fund an environmental cleaning policy worthy of the name?

    It’s shameful that we’re relying on a poster campaign by children to try and maintain a clean and welcoming local environment.

    It’s noticeable that in recent months and years in Barnet the amount of fly-tipping and general litter-dropping has increased considerably and while much of the blame for this should undoubtedly rest with the individuals who think it’s acceptable to chuck their rubbish into the street, it’s also true that the gradual withdrawal of public services under the ridiculous banner of ‘austerity’ has allowed the problem to increase.

    It saddens me to accept the reality that we have gone backwards in Barnet and now live in a town where homelessness and rough sleeping is rife and rubbish and detritus lines every street.

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