Know any famous people born in Barnet’s maternity hospital?

16 Jul 2013
Written by Nick Jones

For well over 60 years the Victoria Maternity Hospital served the people of the Barnets, but today there is scant recognition of the vital role it once played in the area.

Surely the time has come to establish a more lasting tribute to a building that, for so many past and present residents, must evoke the happiest of memories. Perhaps this is also the moment to discover and note the names of famous people whose birthplace was recorded as Wood Street, Barnet.

Dirty Den & MichelleIf you know of personalities and other people of interest who were born in the Victoria, please give details in the comment box below.  Perhaps you worked at the hospital – or you may know a friend or relative who did – and have a tale to tell about the daily goings-on in a maternity hospital which at its busiest had 48 beds and 48 cots.

Was the last celebrity to “give birth” at the Victoria Maternity Hospital the EastEnders character Michelle Fowler (Susan Tully)? Scenes from the BBC soap, produced at Elstree, have often been filmed in the locality and by all accounts the episode showing the “birth” of Vicki Fowler did include footage from Barnet’s maternity hospital.

Vicki Fowler was “born” in 1986 – the year before the hospital’s closure – and the story-line created quite a stir. Michelle Fowler was 16 and the father was one of the lead characters, Dennis Watts (Leslie Grantham), who was dubbed “Dirty Den” by the tabloid press.

The 1986 Christmas edition of EastEnders, in which Den served divorce papers on his wife Angie (Anita Dobson) at the Queen Vic, attracted a record UK audience of over 30 million viewers, and Michelle’s decision as a teenager to have the baby rather than an abortion, was commended for being “a very positive story-line” by Mary Whitehouse, an arch critic of television standards.

Michelle Fowler was 16 and the father was one of the lead characters, ‘Dirty Den’

How do you think it might be possible now to provide a more fitting memorial to such a well-loved Barnet building, which remained a focal point of the town until its closure in 1987 and conversion into residential apartments?

Again the Barnet Society would like to hear your views.

MhtpothtaFor example, could Barnet follow the path of Glasgow, which commemorates the site of the Royal Maternity Hospital in Rotten Row – once the largest maternity hospital in Europe – with a large stainless-steel nappy pin?

George Wyllie’s sculpture ‘Mhtpothta’ (maternity) is part of a garden established by the community of the University of Strathclyde to celebrate the thousands of lives that began in Rotten Row; the gardens were opened by the Provost in June 2004.

In Barnet, there is a blue plaque on the wall of what was once the Victoria Hospital – the original cottage hospital for Barnet and district – which became the Victoria Maternity Hospital in 1949.

In the brickwork of a flower bed in front of what are now the Cattley Close residential apartments, there is a foundation stone, dated 18 October 1923, which was laid by Mrs Stanley Baldwin when the Victoria Hospital moved from Barnet Hill and was re-established in Cedar Lawn, formerly an elegant Georgian house fronting on to Wood Street.

Mrs Baldwin’s visit must have been quite a moment for Barnet: her husband had been Prime Minister for only five months, having succeeded Bonar Law, who had resigned in May 1923; Baldwin then took the Conservatives to victory in the 1924 general election.

Cedar Lawn was originally the home of the botanist William Cattley, and a second plaque commemorates his residency. 

He lived there from 1799 to 1835 and specialised in the study of orchids.  The house was built in 1766 and was re-fronted with white stucco in the early 19th century.

But the two blue plaques hardly do justice to the special role that the building played in the life of the Barnets, as first a cottage hospital and then a maternity hospital.

The saddest sight of all is the deteriorating condition of the original 1923 foundation stone.  Because of green algae disfiguring the stone work – and the positioning of a flower-bed in front of it – the inscription is difficult to read.

Surely such a historic artefact – marking Mrs Stanley Baldwin’s visit to Barnet – should be properly preserved in Barnet Museum.  After all, this October will mark the 90th anniversary of the hospital’s opening in Wood Street.

Again comments welcomed.  

52 thoughts on “Know any famous people born in Barnet’s maternity hospital?

  1. All off my three daughters were born between 1967 and 1969

  2. My daughter was born February 25th 1967 Deborah Ann her sister Wendy Jane April 10th 1968 and third daughter Joanne Louise born August 14th 1969

  3. I was born there 13th February 1950. Having found photo now planning a visit. Looks like nice building to start out from.

  4. I was born there in may 1946. Both my sons were born there March 1965 and March 1968.

  5. I was born there on 31st March 1974. My mum says I was held up for all the other mothers to see a model baby!

  6. I was born in the Victoria 29th July 1962, this is the first time I have seen the actual building it’s beautiful. My father was the medical officer of Barnet so my birth cert says.

  7. I was born there January 10th 1969

  8. My first child was born here on 11th Nov 1971, my husband and I were Australians living in Nth Finchley at the time, very fond memories of living in UK , returned to Australia 1972, our son travelled to UK aged 24 for the Aussie working holiday so many dreamed of, he was lucky as he had British passport so no restrictions.
    Visited Barnet to check out his birthplace but discovered no longer a Hospital.

  9. I was born there in 16th October 1961. Having spent most of my life in Sunderland and in Scotland, I hope to see my birthplace soon, now that I’m in London for a wee while.

  10. My son was born there 1977 Zen

  11. I was born there in July 1962. My parents, who lived in Finchley, left the area shortly afterwards. Now, by coincidence, 57 years later and having lived all over the place, I find myself back in Barnet. I plan to visit the building as soon as I can.

  12. I was born there 20th July 1964

    I lived in Edgware until I was 16 just turned 55 now in Aylesbury Bucks.I still visit sometimes. Burnt Oak has lost Tesco and Black and Cooks.Much history in that area for many people some worldwide.

  13. My son was born at the Victoria maternity hospital on 9th January 1988 and the hospital closed shortly afterwards

  14. I had two children at the hospital, 1970 and 1972. I have no recollection of my first birth! Taken to theatre at about 7pm for an ‘investigation’ ( no contractions) woke up in a bed in the ward with baby by my side in a crib at 11.30! Was moved to a corrugated hut in the grounds for 10 days before I was allowed to go home.
    Second birth was normal. I would give anything to find out the details of my first birth as I always was so ashamed I never questioned it at the time as I was so very young.
    It was only as I grew older and talked to my daughter when she was having her own family my desire, and hers, to know became imperative! I have tried to track any records to no avail!! Any one answer my question?! Please.

  15. I was born here on 10th June 1978 by emergency caesarean. Would love to know about any staff that were working there around that time.

  16. I was born prematurely at this hospital on 22nd December 1952. Apparently my mum lost so much blood that we both nearly died. Thanks to the good staff we both survived! Love to see photos of inside the hospital

  17. Johnny Vaughan was born in this hospital

  18. I was born here 25th December 1973
    I was 8 weeks prem
    Mum told me all the doctors and nurses stood round me and sang Xmas carols . I believe I was the first Xmas baby born at 7.40am .

  19. I was born there in 1986. So my parents tell me, the BBC we’re looking around the hospital at the time for babies to ‘be’ Vicki Fowler. I obviously didn’t make the cut!

    I remember visiting the place shortly after it had closed with my Dad, still had all the equipment and whatnot inside, and there was still power on to the building (I remember my Dad turning lights off in practically every room), that’s an early memory of mine so must’ve been late 80s.

  20. I have just got a copy of my birth certificate and discovered I was born there in 1963..
    I just searched out of curiosity to see if it was still open.What a superb house to be born in

  21. My first child was born in that was a horrendous experience….and tragically as a result of medication administered to me that night…3 small pink tablets .rendering me unconscious thereby giving birth without actually knowing anything about it…I remember waking in a complete haze…all I could see was a figure dressed in white including white Wellington boots…he was a doctor ..stitching me up…I didn’t get to hold my baby til late evening ..I was told she was born at 4.30 am…physically I was in a dreadful state ..with 14 internal stitches….being young I just accepted how it was, I know it’s now too late to do much about it…but I have to say I suffered then and have never been able to erase the memory…and I believe to this day the staff were negligent in my care .

  22. I was born there on May 4th 1957. Fond memories I have of Barnet. My lovely mum still lives there, 83 years old. Left Barnet 1985, but still visit family.

  23. I was born here 22nd August 1958, what a lovely building and good to see its been kept and restored to its former glory. Would love to see any photos of the inside of it, especially the wards.
    Linda Edmondson (nee Woodward)

  24. My Son Simon Wood was born there on the 29th June 1967
    I will give him a photo of this lovely house for his 50 th Birthday

  25. I was born there on May 14th 1961, really pleased to see the building still exsists today.

  26. I was born in this beautiful hospital on Dec 27th 1958, we had a picture of my mum in the ward with lots of Christmas decorations up. I was very poorly as my mum had had a major stroke whilst expecting me and it is a miracle I survived but thanks to all the wonderful doctors and nurses at the hospital I did,

  27. I was born there on 16th December 1960 and my middle name is Victoria!

  28. I was born there in 1950. My son was born there 1975, one daughter in 1977 and the other daughter in 1981.

  29. Born here may 5 1951. Interested to know botanist William Cattley, of cattleya orchid fame, lived there. Glad to see its been repurposed rather than demolished. I now live in Vancouver Canada, but have fond memories of growing up in Barnet.

  30. I was born there on 18th January, 1953.
    I would love to revisit dear old England (I live in Queensland Australia now) to see this beautiful old building for myself.
    I had assumed it would have been knocked down years ago. What a treat to see that it is still standing!

  31. Both my sons were born here, 1979 and 1981. Lovely hospital I spent four weeks with my first and three weeks with my second. I remember Sister ‘Fitz’ she was wonderful.

  32. I was born here in April 1953 and my younger brother was also born here in March 1956. I was wondering if there are any photographs of the inside foyer. I have a memory of my mum walking down the stairs with a nurse who was carrying my brother. My dad and I were waiting for them at the bottom. I’d love to know if my memory is true.

  33. I was born there in January 1944 but now live in West Sussex

  34. I trained as a midwife at the Victoria in 1977-1978. I have many happy memories of the time and the subsequent two years I worked there once qualified. I am still working as a midwife in clacton on sea, Essex, 37 years later.

  35. I was born there in June 1964 and my daughter was one of the last official batch of babies born in October 1987 – in the middle of the infamous hurricane, where the ceilings were collapsing in the only ward ope, electrics flickering and failing and we were not allowed in the day rooms, which were conservatory-like structures on the side of the ward, due to the amount of water leaking in.
    The staff were fantastic and there was a “we’re all in this together” spirit!!

  36. I was born there:
    May 28TH, 1964
    Josephine H Gardiner
    Resides in USA: NYC
    Fine Fragrance Ambassador:

    The Late Tilmon Momolu Gardiner(father) P:Detective
    Mother: Florence Edrice Tolbert Gardiner

  37. My son Robert Lodge was born at the hospital in January 1988. The hospital had officially closed its door the previous year but a small number of stalwart staff still remained. My son was delivered by a lovely midwife called Sister Cooney. The hospital was very dilapidated at the time I was there and I was glad the birth was umcomplicated and I was only resident there for a couple of nights before taking my son home.

  38. I was born there….24th July 1974

  39. On the 7th July 1972 I was born there…!!!

  40. I was born there at 08.30 on Saturday 17th September 1960.

  41. I was born here on 14th August 1987 apparently I was one of the last babies born before it closed

  42. Like a previous correspondent I have never seen this building prior to visiting this website. I came across my birth certificate and noticed the name of the hospital and looked it up through curiosity
    I was born there on 21 June 1953

  43. I was born there at 9.50pm on 23rd February 1958.

  44. I was born there on 31st January 1959

  45. I was born there, a leap year baby, on 29th February 1960. Also appreciate the beuatiful picture, never new I was born in such a grand house!

  46. I was born there myself in December 1959. This is the first time I have ever seen a picture of it. What a lovely building.

  47. My Daughter was born there in 1982, we named her Jolean Victoria after the hospital.

  48. Yes there was a surrogate baby born here (and a book written about the mother), yes the BBC filmed and actors coached here for the delivery scenes of Eastenders,

  49. I seem to remember that the first surrogate baby for reward in Britain was born at the Victoria ,but cannot recall any details, and hit the National Headlines. Can any readers of this please help fill in the blanks?

  50. I remember walking to QE Girls past the Maternity hospital and seeing the cameras there to film the “birth” of Michelle Fowler’s baby storyline. It was very exciting at the time, and I remember hoping I would see Michelle or Dirty Den!

  51. Yes well she’s famous in our family.
    I think my mum was born there in 1931.
    Its a bit sad that she doesn’t even know where she was born, although her birth index states, Barnet, so I assume its this former hospital.
    I wonder if the old hospital records are online??

  52. Sometimes buildings need to change and the old Victoria Maternity Hospital – now residential apartments – is an excellent example of how this can be done whilst in keeping with its location and the Conservation Area.
    Famous people born at the hospital include Elaine Page (Bickerstaff), and Baby Spice – Emma Lee Bunton

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