Campaign for safer crossing

12 Nov 2019
Written by Nick Jones

A petition has been launched to try to persuade Barnet Council to improve road safety between the Spires shopping centre and Chipping Barnet library by upgrading the pedestrian crossing so that it is controlled by traffic lights.

The existing Stapylton Road zebra crossing is heavily used – especially in busy shopping hours and on school days – but it has become increasingly hazardous.

On one side of the crossing is the entrance to the Spires’ car park and on the other the service road for delivery vehicles for Waitrose and the shops.

An added danger has been the creation of a bus terminus opposite the Stapylton Road car park which means there are often as two or three parked buses blocking the line of sight for traffic entering Stapylton Road from St Albans Road.

Eamonn Rafferty, who has organised the petition, is campaigning for the existing zebra crossing to be upgraded to a pelican crossing with traffic lights for oncoming traffic and push buttons for pedestrian use.

A pelican crossing would remove the discretion to stop, which some motorists, regrettably see as an option

He says there has been a problem with this pedestrian crossing since he moved to High Barnet 13 years ago and he has personally lost count of the number of times he was witnessed near misses.

Pedestrians, especially those emerging from the Spires, have been forced to take evasive action to avoid being struck by a vehicle.

“In particular, cars coming from St Albans Road often are driving too fast and have to pass stationary buses on a blind bend. By the time they’ve done all that, they’re right on the crossing.

“Pedestrians are not immune from criticism too, as many just walk on to the crossing when they are supposed to wait for vehicles to stop first.

“That’s why a pelican crossing would remove those dangers at a stroke. Okay, so you would have to wait a bit longer for the lights to change, but that’s no price for better safety.

“A pelican crossing would remove the discretion to stop, which some motorists, regrettably see as an option.”

To sign the ePetition on Barnet Council website go to$LO$=1

The deadline is 13 December.

7 thoughts on “Campaign for safer crossing

  1. It would be nice if it didn’t make a bleeping noise – after all it is positioned outside the library and also a place of worship. And if the bandstand is indeed designed for music, I don’t think constant bleeping would be the perfect accompaniment! Full disclosure, I live nearby and have the constant revving and running bus engines behind my home to contend with already. I’m all for a crossing with lights – just not a noisy one! Do you think this could be considered, Eamonn?

  2. …Should have said I organised the petition, so now you can say, ‘he would say that, wouldn’t he?’

  3. …..A red light forces motorists to slow down more than a crossing

  4. I don’t agree with replacing this zebra crossing with a pelican crossing. The zebra crossing is important because it establishes clear pedestrian priority and forces cars to slow down instead of using Stapylton Road as a rat-run.

    This is an area with a lot of pedestrian movement: people crossing to and from The Spires, Chipping Barnet Library, and Welsely Hall, and crossing to and from the bus stops outside the Spires and at the top of Strafford Road.

    Removing the zebra crossing will only mean people won’t wait and cross on red, leading to accidents. Zebra crossings should be encouraged in ‘town centre’ and residential areas; it’s not all about the motorist.

  5. The crossing at the library would be appreciably safer if there weren’t trolleys full of ‘stuff’ positioned on the sight lines.
    you can see one in the middle of the headline picture, but invariably there is one on the St.Albans road side of the crossing (just out of picture)
    there is a good reason that the trees stop short of the crossing, and short hedges.

  6. Totally agree with this, the same problem with the one on wood st by the black horse.

    One thing though, pedestrians are not at fault, they don’t have to wait for cars to stop. The highway code says that right of way passes to the pedestrian as soon as they step on to the crossing.

    A near miss is entirely the fault of the driver.

  7. If we are talking pedestrian safety…Any chance of speed bumps on Mays Lane? 20 Limit is routinely ignored. Average speeds must be double at that at least! Frightening with a small child in tow.

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