British Telecom on the spot

29 Mar 2014
Written by Nick Jones

The Barnet Society pinpoints the sites of missing telecoms cabinets needed to deliver a fast broadband service.  The Barnet Society has identified eight sites where it believes British Telecom needs to install additional kerbside telecoms cabinets if several thousand High Barnet households are ever going to have the chance to obtain a fast broadband connection.

A map indicating where a total of nine fibre-enabled cabinets are needed was handed to the Chipping Barnet MP Mrs Theresa Villiers at the Society’s annual question and answer session.

She promised to renew her efforts to put pressure on British Telecom to deliver its roll-out of fast broadband in the London Borough of Barnet which was first promised for completion by the end of 2010.

Most of the missing cabinets are along major thoroughfares and the Society considers the unending delay in the availability of a fast broadband service is hampering local businesses and also residents who work from home.

Yet again there has been further slippage in the date when BT expects to finish its broadband programme.

Earlier this year Mrs Villiers was promised by BT that the rollout would be completed by the end of March, but this has now been delayed because of bad weather this winter.

She acknowledged at the question and answer session (28.3.2014) that her own constituency office in the High Street lacked a fast broadband connection and she promised she would use the Society’s map to help get a clearer picture of the extent of the problem.

Mrs Villiers was promised by BT that the rollout would be completed by the end of March, but this has now been delayed…

Councillor David Longstaff told the meeting he had been assured the work was about to start and would be completed by the end of May.

After long-standing complaints about pitifully slow broadband speeds in local homes, the Society did its own survey and established that within High Barnet itself there are nine telephone cabinets (known as primary connection points) that lack a fibre-enabled “sister” cabinet.

The eight sites where nine additional broadband cabinets are required are:

  • Wood Street, at entrance to Old Court House Recreation Ground
  • High Street, near Hadley Parade
  • Bruce Road, two needed, near junction with St Albans Road
  • Salisbury Road, two needed, at junctions with High Street and also Stapylton Road.
  • Manor Road, at junction with Cedar Lawn Avenue
  • Wood Street, near Black Horse public house
  • Bells Hill, at junction with Wood Street

High Barnet's missing high speed Broadband cabinetsAround half the “sister” cabinets required for High Barnet were installed about three years ago but because of objections the rest were never fitted.

BT has argued subsequently that Barnet Council was to blame for refusing planning permission because some of the proposed sites were within conservation areas.

Although planning approval is no longer required, BT now offers other explanations for the failure to install the missing fibre-enabled cabinets. 

In some instances pavements were said to be too narrow to take an additional kerbside cabinet and in other cases the pipes of services such as gas, electricity and water were said to be in the way.

When Mrs Villiers met representatives of BT in the House of Commons in February she was given an assurance that the company expected “93 per cent of the London Borough of Barnet to have access to fast broadband” by the end of March 2014.

BT said that fifty-five new telecoms cabinets had already been installed in the Chipping Barnet constituency.

4 thoughts on “British Telecom on the spot

  1. I would be really keen to see an update on this story as I have been waiting for Fibre Optic broadband for a while now. I live on Hillside Gardens EN5 and believe I am served by Cabinet 38 which is one of the eight listed in this story (Manor Road).

    I contacted BT after their website had promised a go live date of 30th September 2014. When this date had been and gone, I requested an update and received the following response:

    Thank you for your email. Apologises for the delay. Regarding the delay for BARNET exchange cabinet 38.

    I have gone ahead and checked and I found that the project under which your cabinet was mentioned has been cancelled due to the restrictions being imposed by Barnet Highways and there is not a suitable location for this Dslam.

    As of now it is very difficult to give you any specific date for the cabinet to be installed and get fibre enabled.

    NGA Enquiries

    I am also aware of family living on the Drive EN5 are also unable to access Fibre Optic broadband and like me receive very poor speeds.

    For all the gusto, it seems as though Barnet are the problem.

  2. The cabinet in Manor Rd serves my house. The excuse given was that existing services are in the way. This needs to be resolved as it is impossible to work from home or use any service such as BBC iplayer with the current speeds.

  3. David,

    I asked them about my cabinet. Although my download speed is closer to 4mbps not quite a slow as yours.

    The response I got (about two weeks after e-mailing openreach) was posted at the bottom of this article.



  4. Pitiful just about sums it up. My contacts are astonished at how slow speeds are in High Barnet and I have yet to find anyone else in London who has failed ever to achieve even 2 Mbps. It’s not as if we were in an isolated rural area. The changing excuses are very suspicious and it would be interesting to know the detailed reasons why they cannot upgrade each cabinets on the list. BT must have that information. Has anyone asked?

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