Bid for lamppost advertising banners in High Street and other main roads

PVC plastic advertising signs hung from lampposts — including possibly along the full length of Barnet High Street — might become a new way of generating income for Barnet Council.
Bay Media Ltd, which is the council’s street advertising provider, has submitted over a dozen planning applications for well over four hundred installations in main roads across the borough.
The Barnet High Street application (21/0548/ADV) is for up to 81 lamppost banners from Hadley Green, through the town centre, and down Barnet Hill as far as the Everyman cinema.
So far attempts to install more advertising displays in the de-cluttered High Street have been resisted. An application last November to erect more payphones with illuminated advertisements failed to get approval.
Lamppost banners would hang over pavements, 2.8 metres above ground.
Their potential impact is now being assessed by groups such as the Chipping Barnet Town Team, the Barnet Society, and the Barnet Museum, which hangs hand-painted medieval banners along the High Street to celebrate anniversaries of the Battle of Barnet.
Miss Lizzie Miller, sales director of Bay Media, specialists in raised lamppost banners, told the Barnet Society that the firm had been working in conjunction with Barnet Council since 2018 examining ways to generate revenue from council highways assets such as lampposts – and the council considers over 1,000 in and around town centres across the borough could be considered appropriate for banners.
Approval has already been granted for the installation of lamppost banners on several roads in Colindale and the company had now submitted applications to see whether the planners would grant permission for other locations.
Applications for other main roads include up to 24 banners along Station Road, New Barnet (21/0666/ADV); up to 29 along East Barnet Road (21/0667/ADV); and up to 145 along the High Road, from Oakleigh through West Finchley to Ballards Lane (21/0668/ADV).
The application for banners along Barnet High Street shows they would be attached to up to 81 lampposts from the junction with Christ Church Lane at Hadley Green, through the High Street (except beside the parish church) and then down Barnet Hill to the North and Western Parade.
Miss Miller explained that applications had been made for far more banners than might be permitted but the aim of the numerous applications was to see where such installations might gain planning approval.
“Lamppost banners reduce the need for additional infrastructure along highways, such as poster sites.
“We have installations all over the UK and they raise large sums of money for many London boroughs.”
In the case of High Barnet, she said she did not think advertising banners would conflict with the Battle of Barnet display because the medieval banners were placed far higher as they hung across the High Street whereas the advertising banners would point the other way, across the pavement.
Bay Media’s role was to supply fittings and sell advertising space, the income from which would help provide guaranteed revenue for council taxpayers.
A policy on street advertising was agreed by the council in 2018 and the option of lamppost banners is a form of advertising that it is thought would appeal to local shops and traders as it less costly than the backlit advertisements on structures such as bus shelters.
A contract agreed with Bay Media would allow the company to use up to 500 lampposts across the borough over a five-year term.
Lamppost banners were a form of advertising that the council also believed would help local business promotion, and publicise local events, schools and colleges while ensuring that council assets generated as much income as possible.
Robin Bishop, chair of the Barnet Society, said the application for installing advertising banners in Barnet High Street was a matter of concern as there appeared to have been no prior consultation,
Equally there seemed to have been no attempt to take on board the concerted efforts to de-clutter the High Street, which passes through two conservation areas where there are controls on all advertising.
Mr Bishop said the society and the Chipping Barnet Town Team would want to consider the proposals as would the Barnet Museum in view of the impact that advertising banners might have on the annual display of Battle of Barnet banners.
9 thoughts on “Bid for lamppost advertising banners in High Street and other main roads”
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They need to realize u can’t park any where without having to use them dumb ticket machines that no older drivers can use.we need parking on the high street and a pay phone that works .and less charity shops.and put your rent rates down for more new business to open.tje high street is looking more like a 3rd world country then a historical town.
The banners will clutter the High Street and defeat the open look achieved by the recent works. I hope the planners reject the idea.
I think this proposal is absolutely disgraceful. Adverts across Hadley Green, the High Street, right down to the Everyman will only be an appalling eyesore. I thought Chipping Barnet was meant to be an historical town. What a joke
I agree that this a poor proposal and will alter the historic look of High Barnet and its surroundings. This idea spoils the character of this historic area, looking cheap and nasty.
Large banners of this sort are not appropriate for Barnet High Street. They would be distracting for drivers, who are now confined to a narrower roadway, and would distract potential shoppers from looking into the shop windows and hopefully becoming customers.
I am opposed to such banners on lamposts as proposed as inappropriate to the leafy green area that is Barnet. Those commemorating the Battle of Barnet were fine for a short duration.
I totally oppose the unnecessary clutter and eyesore of commercial advertising banners. These would make Barnet look “cheap” and like many other shopping centres. We should be presenting our town as historic and classy. Rather:
Single boards as you enter each end of the town should announce
Site of the Battle of Barnet
A beautiful place to live, visit, shop and eat
Or some such?
A very poor proposal to change the historic look of High Barnet and environs. It would spoil the character of this area and look cheap and nasty.
A similar proposal, also by ms Miller of Bay Media, was refused by Harrow’s Council in 2018.
This cannot be allowed to happen in Barnet.