Barnet’s royal wedding street parties

21 May 2018
Written by Nick Jones

Old Fold View was one of several roads in and around High Barnet that was closed off to traffic so that residents could hold a street party to celebrate the Windsor wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

A crowd of well over a hundred enjoyed a barbecue, street food and an afternoon of games for the children.

Angela Spatz, one of the organisers, said the Royal wedding provided a wonderful opportunity for locals to get together.

Seventy per cent of the Old Fold View households gave their support to a party raising funds for the construction nearby of the Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice.

“We brought the street together for carol singing at Christmas and everyone said we should hold another event, so Harry and Meghan’s wedding was just the excuse we needed.”

Harry and Meghan’s tombola at the Old Fold View royal wedding street party was organised by Catie Davies (14) and her grandmother Yvonne DaviesMs Spatz said the wedding itself was an amazing spectacle; Meghan’s dress was so beautiful.

Catie Davies, a 14-year-old pupil at Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ school, helped organise the tombola.

“The wedding day has been so brilliant, and the street party has given us all another chance to raise money for the new children’s hospice.”

Caroline Klage, another Old Fold View resident, said the road contained a very energetic group of people who were community-minded neighbours, anxious to bring everyone together.

“Whether you or aren’t a fan of the royal family, we all recognise the need to celebrate something positive and bringing people together for a street party is just what we need given all the divisions of the last few years.”

Barnet Council approved orders closing eight roads within the borough to enable residents to organise royal wedding street parties.

Other High Barnet area parties were held in Garthland Drive and Wyburn Avenue.

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