Temporary home for Barnet Market

28 Sep 2013
Written by Nick Jones

While work is underway resurfacing Barnet Market, its temporary home is the area around the bandstand outside Waitrose supermarket at the Spires shopping centre.

Shoppers visiting the market on Saturday morning (21.9.2013) were handed leaflets announcing that at last the William Pears property group is to start its £100,000 upgrade of the site.

Barnet Market Poster

The market moved temporarily to the paved area around the bandstand on Saturday 28th September and the improvements should be completed by November, when trading will resume in much improved surroundings.

In addition to the long-promised resurfacing, there will be new fencing around the market and the installation of toilet facilities for the stall holders.

Planning approval has been obtained by the Pears group to use the market site as a car park except on the two market days of Saturday and Wednesday.