Barnet Council to change decision process

27 Aug 2013
Written by Nick Jones

The council is proposing to change the way that decisions are taken and introduce a Committee System form of governance.   Barnet are currently operating an Executive System of governance. 

Under this system, the majority of decisions in the council are taken by the single-party Executive (or Cabinet) either in the Cabinet meeting or by individual Cabinet Members.

The Executive are held to account for their policies and decisions by cross-party Overview & Scrutiny Committees.  This system was imposed on the vast majority of councils with the introduction of the Local Government Act 2000.

New legislation (The Localism Act 2011) means local authorities can now choose which governance system they operate from the following options:

  • Executive Arrangements (such as an elected mayor and Cabinet or a Leader and Cabinet);
  • A Committee System; or
  • Alternative Arrangements (as prescribed by the Secretary of State)

In January 2013, the council passed a resolution to change the system of governance from an Executive (Cabinet) System to a Committee System.  This new system is due to commence at the Council’s Annual Meeting in June 2014.

It is essential that this form of governance is acceptable to our residents

The council is now in the early stages of designing what the new Committee system will look like.  It is essential that this form of governance is acceptable to our residents, community and voluntary groups, businesses, other organisations in the borough and those that the council works in partnership with.  

More detailed information on the current system, why the council has decided to make these changes, and the principles behind the new system are provided in the consultation document attached.
Barnet council want to hear your views and ideas on the current system and the principles behind the new system to assist the council in developing options for the new governance structure.

The council will also be conducting further face to face consultation which will include engagement with the Citizens’ Panel, a workshop, focus groups and a public meeting.

The results from the different consultation activities will be reviewed and presented back to elected members who will consider all the findings in detail.

Have your say via Barnet Council consultation webpage

Final Consultation Document