Barnet Council planning to introduce higher parking charges and to withdraw an hour of free parking in Moxon Street

18 Nov 2024
Written by Nick Jones

A standard charge of £3.50 for an hour of parking is being proposed across the Borough of Barnet as part of a revised transport plan aimed at reducing car journeys.

Higher charges are intended to improve air quality and to promote active travel by walking, cycling or the greater use of public transport.

For the first time, a parking charge is being proposed for motorcycles.

All free parking would be withdrawn as part of a draft policy which has opened for public consultation and on which Barnet Council will make decisions next year.

For details of the consultation – which closes on 17 December – see

If the proposals are approved, this would result in the loss of an hour of free parking in the Moxon Street Car Park which was introduced a decade ago after protests about the loss of free parking in Barnet High Street.

Another concession to be withdrawn is free parking of up to two hours in the dual-use bays on the east side of the A1000 on Hadley Green.

These two concessions would be withdrawn because they provide an incentive to travel by car and are “not compatible” with Barnet’s target to increase the number of trips made by walking, cycling and public transport from a current figure of 50 per cent to 72 per cent by 2041.

Road transport is the largest contributor to air pollution in the borough. The policy is aimed at reducing emissions and reducing traffic in town centres.

To achieve this the council intends to simplify its current piecemeal approach to deciding parking charges.

At present there are 45 different tariff variations across the borough and the cost of an hour’s parking can range from 77 pence to £3.12.

Under the proposed formula the minimum price of an hour’s parking would be the cost of two standard bus fares.

Currently the cost of a single bus journey in Barnet is £1.75 and that would price an hour’s parking at £3.50 rising to £5.25 for up to two hours; £7.00 for up to four hours; and £8.75 for all day.

Minimum stay restrictions would continue to apply, limiting the use of some parking places to shorter stays only.

Motorcycles would no longer be exempt from parking charges in Barnet. Charges would now apply in paid for parking spaces on and off-street and in future a permit would be required to park in controlled parking zones within resident bays.

Blue badge holders would continue to be able to park in paid parking places on and off street without charge when displaying their badge.

Categories: News

6 thoughts on “Barnet Council planning to introduce higher parking charges and to withdraw an hour of free parking in Moxon Street

  1. Another inspired idea from Barnet Council (not!). They are clearly not business people and do not appreciate the High Street is struggling. Perhaps they don’t care. People can vote with their feet or rather their cars and shop elsewhere where one doesn’t get charged to park for shopping. They fail to realise that are putting local businesses in jeopardy.

  2. This is a significant increase in cost.

    The people who will be affected most are: the elderly, families with young children, and those who are weak or ill but are unable to claim a blue badge. We can expect blue badge misuse and theft to increase and the Council should be prepared to act on this.

    In pursuit of air quality and climate change targets, the policy aims to change our travel behaviour, and it might be successful. It is likely to reduce the number of people who visit High Barnet for shopping or services. This appears to be incompatible with the ‘number one mission’ of the current government which apparently is ‘economic growth’ and ‘wealth creation’.

  3. Another hike by a left wing council that will kill barbet high street. Get rid of all the scooters parked outside McDonald’s.

  4. The amount of parking spaces in the High St. are severely restricted due to the amount of delivery riders.
    As they currently don’t have to pay, they can and do occupy all or part of a parking space legally and for free. Introducing payment will not change this, as the riders usually sit on or near their mopeds, ready for a quick departure. They likely will not pay, as the High St. has extremely limited parking enforcement officers. At times, there are none at all.
    Charging for parking will only depress an already struggling High St.
    Moxon St. is vital, free, short term parking for people using local shops, the Post Office (under threat of closure) and other businesses. Also useful for parents picking up at the 2 schools in Victors Way and Moxon St.
    As a retired resident living just off Moxon St, I see first hand on a daily basis how car drivers and moped/ scooter riders consistently abuse the existing parking and driving regulations. They know there is little chance of getting caught.

  5. Self serving lefty council BS.
    Cars are going electric so pollution not a genuine factor.
    I agree parking must be rationed. So
    Support your high street and demand first 30 mins to one hour free everywhere.
    Mopeds and bikes need free parking to support the new in delivery services we all use, don’t pretend otherwise.
    Charging bikes- stupid moronic idea.

  6. Will this have any effect on the moped gangs in the High Street?

    Also there’s no mention of it in these proposals, but I take it the pricing of resident’s CPZ parking permits won’t be affected? Because those are far too high as it is. Maybe to prove that they’re not just a stealth tax the council can start to offer one free CPZ parking permit per household, so you only actually pay for 2nd and 3rd cars, etc. Especially now that it’s all paperless so they’re not having to cover printing and postage costs. Who am I kidding, of course it’s a stealth tax!?

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