Archaeologists to find real site of Battle of Barnet

8 Oct 2013
Written by Nick Jones

An application is to be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund to see if it would agree to pay for an archaeological dig to try to locate the precise site of the 1471 Battle of Barnet.

Glenn Foard, a landscape archaeologist who led the survey to determine the location of the Battle of Bosworth, would carry out the excavation on behalf of the Battlefields Trust.

The exact site of the Battle of Barnet, a decisive engagement in the Wars of the Roses, has always been a matter of dispute.  It took place in fields half a mile, or even up to a mile, north of the town but English Heritage says the boundaries are not clear and so far it has not been possible for historians to determine the exact location.

The Barnet Society and other local groups are being asked to give their support to the application to the Heritage Lottery Fund.  Dorothy Cohen, the Battlefields Trust’s representative for London and the south-east, said they were hoping to raise the funds needed to “carry out a dig to try to locate the actual battle site”.

News of a possible dig will give impetus to other initiatives that are also being considered to commemorate the Battle of Barnet and will also do more to promote and celebrate Barnet’s rich history.

One idea being considered by the Barnet Society is the possibility of holding a commemoration or re-enactment of the Battle of Barnet in the summer of 2015.  A weekend in June has been suggested and the Byng Road playing fields might provide a suitable venue.

The exact site of the Battle of Barnet, a decisive engagement in the Wars of the Roses, has always been a matter of dispute.

Another possibility is that students from Barnet and Southgate College might get involved in a project to map and photograph the area where the battle is thought to have taken place.

A Battle of Barnet display is one of the highlights of Barnet Museum’s collection, and the Museum and Local History Society take every opportunity to promote interest in Barnet’s historic place in the Wars of the Roses.

Battle area mapThe Battle of Barnet, on 14 April, 1471, and the subsequent Battle of Tewkesbury, secured the throne for Edward 1V.

He led the House of York in a fight against the House of Lancaster, which backed Henry VI for the throne.  Leading the Lancastrian army was the 16th Earl of Warwick.

Historians regard the Battle of Barnet as one of the most important clashes of the Wars of the Roses since it brought about a decisive turn in the fortunes of the two houses.

Edward’s victory was followed by fourteen years of Yorkist rule over England.

English Heritage demarcates the battlefield as lying 800 to 1,600 metres (0.5 to 1 mile) north of the town of Barnet, but there are only approximations of where the fighting took place.

A 15th -century letter from a Hanseatic merchant, Gerhard von Wessel, mentions a “broad green” which corresponds to Hadley Green and a marsh which is likely to be in the valley of the Monken Mead brook. The letter also mentions the St Albans Road.  Houses in Monken Hadley now stand on part of the fields where it is thought the battle was fought.

Hadley Highstone, an obelisk commemorating the battle, was erected in 1740 by Sir Jeremy Sambroke and stands at the junction of the Great North Road and Kitts End Road.

Dr Glenn FoardIt carries the inscription: “Here was fought the Famous Battle Between Edward the 4th and the Earl of Warwick April 14th Anno 1471 in which the Earl was Defeated And Slain.”

Glenn Foard and the Battlefields Trust have a proud record in identifying and protecting battlefield sites. Foard, who is Reader in Battlefield Archaeology at the University of Huddersfield, is best known for discovering the location of the final phases of the Battle of Bosworth Field (1485).

In 2009 Foard and his team discovered artefacts to support his theory that the site where the Bosworth visitor centre is currently located is several miles from the actual spot where the battle was fought.

Such is the 18th and 19th-century urbanisation of the fields to the north of the original town of Barnet that Foard and his team will have a mammoth task on their hands and will have lots of theories to work through.

Among the local legends to be either proved or disproved is that a hedge at the Old Fold Manor Golf Club at Monkey Hadley is the likely line of the shrubs behind which the 13th Earl of Oxford’s men lined up and took cover when he rallied the Lancastrian troops!

An excavation to discover the location of the Battle of Barnet would form part of a wider project on the Wars of the Roses which would be undertaken jointly by the Battlefields Trust and the University of Wakefield.  The aim would be to improve understanding and access to the various sites across the country where military engagements took place; again it would depend on securing financial assistance from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

9 thoughts on “Archaeologists to find real site of Battle of Barnet

  1. Did it not occur to anyone in the Liberal Democrat’s Party that they had no chance of winning the Chipping Barnet Seat and their votes achieved would give Villiers a shoe in?lt was transparently obvious that our seat was a marginal and so are you lot.

  2. Was the battle fought at Dead Man’s Bottom?

  3. Many years ago I used to live in The Highlands Hatfield Road PB and I remember some of the residents digging out the earth bank along side the unmade road to make way to put in a shed. They dug up quite a lot of old rusty swords one of which my parents used as a fire poker, it was too rusty to last long. I wondered if this would have anything connection to the battle of Barnet.

  4. I was interested to see that they were going to try and find the Battle of Barnet battlefield site, but I see that they are still using old interpretations of the battle. The map above comes from A.H. Burne “Battlefields of Old England” and has been copied by just about every historian since. There was a dig carried out in the 1990’s across the hedge on Old Fold Manor golf course which turned up nothing. I carried out quite an extensive research on the Battle and spent some time in the Barnet Museum helped by the staff looking at all the oldest maps of the area. The fact that in one contemporary accounts they mention the pale (fence) which was broken down by the Yorkists suggests this was what surrounded Enfield Chase and bordered the North Road to Hatfield. It is more likely that the Yorkist Army mustered near Hadley Green and advanced towards Warwick’s Army to north in a thick mist. More than likely on what is now the south part of Wrotham Park. Probably part of the right wing of the Yorkist Army blundered onto Enfield Chase and became detached in the mist that shrouded the battlefield and once the two armies became locked together they again blundered into the left and rear of Warwick’s army whose left was against the pale of Enfield Chase. I gave my reasoning in the booklet I published in 1996 by Freezywater Publications “The Battle of Barnet 1471” by Patrick McGill. It lists all the contemporary sources. If you look where your think it is I doubt you will find anything.

  5. I dont know if this helps but when I was a child my parents were the landlords of the Warwick Hotel in Barnet – the pub came with sunstantial land and in the middle was a large commorative stone, like a tombstone with a coat of arms on it – the local story was it was where the Duke of Warwicks horse fell and died – I have often wondered what this stone was? And why it was in such a remote spot?

  6. Do what you can to preserve our historical sites! There are too many land owning get rich quick merchants out there ergo the golf club brigade.!!!!

  7. Hi there,you say you know the exact spot the Battle of barnet took place,where was this?

  8. We already know where it took place. Some of us also know where the victims are buried, maybe 2500 of them. It is very obvious to anyone who looks into the the facts, maps, traditions and terrain. There really is no mystery. If you wish to know, you only have to ask me….

  9. Let’s hope it happens after all these years. Great project especially for our schools and college. Good for Barnet too.
    Nice image.

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