Pulling pints in lockdown: mobile pub is the answer

4 May 2020
Written by Nick Jones

A pub on wheels offering a freshly pulled pint of stout delivered straight to the door is proving to be a popular lockdown innovation for a High Barnet landlord. Jason Bourke, licensee of the Sebright Arms in Alston Road, has converted his pick-up truck into a mini-bar complete with a pump and two barrels of Guinness.

Drinks must be pre-ordered and paid for over the telephone and are then delivered straight to the customer.

The Sebright Arms is also offering fresh take-away meals six days a week which must be pre-ordered and can also be delivered.

Mr Bourke said the coronavirus lockdown had forced him to think on his feet and come up with new ideas to keep trading.

“My regular outgoings at the pub come to almost £1,200 a week including all sorts of charges and utility bills.

“By offering take-away food and a delivery service for meals and drinks, the pub is still in business and the income I’m generating is going some way to offset the debts that are building up.”

He found that the Guiness travelled well on the back of the pick-up and with his barrels and a pump, he can produce a fresh drawn pint.

On a good day, he can deliver up to sixty pints. He tried taking out lager, but it didn’t travel so well.

So far Mr Bourke has built up around 100 orders a week for take-away meals and among his customers, especially for a Sunday roast, are residents in sheltered housing off Mays Lane.

“It is very satisfying being able to deliver meals to 14 elderly residents stuck at home.

“And when I turn up in the pick-up and start pulling pints of pre-ordered Guiness for a customer, the neighbours are mightily amused.”

Categories: General News

3 thoughts on “Pulling pints in lockdown: mobile pub is the answer

  1. Brilliant idea good luck with it

  2. Well done Jason

  3. I heard he also does haircuts. Excellent!

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