Barnet Beyond Brexit – Update

25 Feb 2019
Written by Nick Jones

On 29 March the UK is likely to withdraw from the EU. What impact will this have on High Barnet, New Barnet, Arkley, Underhill and other parts of our Borough?

The Mayor of London and Barnet Council are currently finalising plans that could greatly affect our neighbourhood’s employment and housing prospects – and therefore the education and training that our children and adults will need in the Barnet of the future.

Come to the Barnet Society’s spring public forum at 6:30 pm on Thursday evening 7 March to ask local leaders and experts questions about these increasingly urgent matters.



How far should our schools and academies be preparing students for employability?



What can further and adult education do to retrain adults or help them deal with a reduced working lifetime?



Could SMEs and creative businesses offer more local jobs?



Will our children be able to afford to live locally?


The Green Belt

Can our green spaces be protected from development?

Ask your own questions and hear from our speakers:

  • Theresa Villiers MP for Chipping Barnet & Treasurer of the All Party Parliamentary Group for London’s Green Belt
  • Councillor Ross Houston Barnet Labour spokesperson for housing
  • Richard Knox-Johnston CPRE & Chair of the London Green Belt Council
  • Bob Burstow Educationist and instigator of the Barnet Teenage Market
  • Chris Fairbairn Headteacher of The Totteridge Academy
  • Violet Walker Headteacher of Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School
  • Cali Ibrahim Senior Employment & Skills Officer, LB of Barnet

Join us for Barnet Beyond Brexit on Thursday 7 March at Christ Church, St Albans Road, Barnet, from 6:45 to 9:00pm. Admission is free. Light refreshments from 6:30pm.

Email your questions to
Or post them to Robin Bishop, 46 Fitzjohn Avenue, Barnet, Herts EN5 2HW

Categories: General News