Barnet’s first medieval festival

10 Jun 2017
Written by Nick Jones

A posse of Barnet police officers was on hand when members of the Medieval Siege Society gave a gunnery demonstration in support of Barnet’s first medieval festival.

Gun shots rang out, and clouds of smoke filled the Old Court House recreation ground behind Barnet Museum, as crowds of visitors and children were treated to a display of medieval firearms and firing.

Debra Murray of the Medieval Siege Society had a captive audience as she described medieval money and customsBarnet Police were on hand to ensure that by-standers kept well clear, and to reassure any local or neighbours who might be concerned at hearing gun shots.

Over a 1,000 visited the festival (11.6.2017) which included a variety of displays by the Siege Society, ranging from food preparation and tasting to wood carving and chopping, and other re-enactments.

Among those in costumes of the period were members of the Richard III Society and Barnet Museum trustee, Mike Noronha, who became a Plantagenet king for the afternoon.

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Tags: #Barnet Museum

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  1. Barnet Medieval Siege

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