Barnet’s phantom mini-roundabout

15 Mar 2017
Written by Nick Jones

Contractors working on the installation of a mini-roundabout at one of High Barnet’s most hazardous road junctions have had to down tools because of an unexpected hitch with pipes for utility services.

A road re-alignment at the heavily-used junction of Wellhouse Lane and Wood Street was first proposed by Barnet Council in the autumn of 2014.

When work finally started earlier this year, residents believed that at long last improvements would make it safer for road users, as well as the many pedestrians on their way to and from Barnet Hospital and Queen Elizabeth’s Boys’ School.

Traffic frequently snarls up at the junction following a recent increase in the number of ambulances taking patients to the hospital, and the installation of a terminus in Wellhouse Lane for the 263 and 307 bus routes.

The £70,000 improvement includes road re-alignment, the provision of a mini-roundabout, a new zebra crossing at the top of Wellhouse Lane, and a new footway across the green space at the junction of the two roads.

Letters delivered to local residents state that “delays to essential utility works” have forced the council to put the project “on hold”; they will be advised of a revised start date.

The Barnet Society was told by the council’s traffic and development section that it could give no indication as to how long the delay might last.

4 thoughts on “Barnet’s phantom mini-roundabout

  1. Perhaps it had to be designed that way to enable buses to turn right out of wellhouse lane without driving over the roundabout. I mean that is the purpose of this new roundabout isn’t it?
    Previously buses turning right nearly knocked down pedestrians with their front overhang on the pavement opposite wellhouse lane.

  2. Yes agreed, the white circle is a few yards too far down Wellhouse Lane.

  3. Please would you review the new roundabout at the top of Wellhouse Lane.
    I think a roundabout here is a good idea, but the present position of the white circle is too far down Wellhouse Lane. As a result, west bound (towards Arkley) tend to drive straight across the turning circle without slowing resulting in some very near misses with cars actually using the roundabout scheme.
    In my experience, vehicles emerging from Wellhouse Lane are at high risk of a collision with fast westbound vehicles.
    Let’s not have an accident, the hospital is busy enough as it is.

  4. It’s a joke . Every time I see prolonged works in Barnet, the 3 weeks to make a small bit of footpath at those new overpriced houses on the site of the red lion pub is an example , I think of the huge sink hole in the road in Japan fixed in a week .

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