Outrage at library closure

6 Dec 2016
Written by Nick Jones

Outraged Barnet book lovers staged a mass read-in outside the closed front doors of Chipping Barnet Library to demonstrate their dismay and anger at the downgrading of a much-loved community asset.

The library is being closed for two months – from Monday 5 December to Monday 6 February – so that it can be prepared for self-service operation, ready for much of the building to be converted into commercial office space.

“Barnet Council: Shame on You!” read the placard carried by Byng Road resident Dick Elms. After the read-in he left his poster propped up against the doors as a forlorn, but visual reminder of the strength of the protest.

Residents have until Thursday 15 December to register objections on Barnet Council’s website to a planning application for permission for a change of use to library floor space, plus several exterior alterations to the building.

The Barnet Society believes that the loss of library floor space provides ample grounds for objections because under planning law the loss of community space is only “acceptable in exceptional circumstances” – and the Society contends that test has not been met.

If there were mass objections, the Society believes there might still be a chance to prevent the loss of 116 square metres of library space and the insertion of a new mezzanine floor to create lettable office space for up to 28 employees – the council’s justification being that a rentable income will help sustain the library service.

…there is no demand for continued community or education use

The residents at the read-in were united in their opposition to the downsizing of the library and the introduction of largely self-service operation.

They believed there was no possible justification for renting out office space in a library building that had been only recently been constructed for the benefit of High Barnet.

“There is no earthly reason why the council should be reducing library floor space to let out rooms to commercial tenants when there is plenty of vacant office space above shops all along the High Street,” said Nick Saul, former editor of the Barnet Local Advertiser.

“Yet again High Barnet is losing its community facilities when there is a crying need for civic amenities.”

Dick and Jane Elms, who arrived with their “Shame on You” placard, said they had both spent a life time in education and were appalled that the council had ignored local objections.

“We’re paying the price for Barnet’s six-year freeze on council tax, when we know many residents would be happy to pay more.”

Jane Elms said the loss of library space and switch to self-service operation would have the greatest effect on less well-off children.

What’s so upsetting is that the council doesn’t even seem to care that there are so many children whose parents can’t afford to buy books, and where their homes lack internet access and space to work on computers.

“Outrageous, outrageous” repeated Phyllis Oberman, a Barnet resident for the last 11 years, who said she couldn’t understand how local councillors were prepared to agree to such “a terrible thing” as reducing library space in order to rent out space for offices.

“I’m an inveterate book buyer, and I like owning books, but many parents can’t afford to do that for their children. I have always loved coming to the Chipping Barnet Library, seeing the students using computers, and people reading the papers. How can our local council put all that in jeopardy?”

Much to the delight of the protestors, the Barnet Press photographer Anne-Marie Sanderson, was on hand to choreograph the  read in for a group photo.

The next steps in the Barnet Society’s campaign to try to force Barnet Council to think again:

The council justifies the loss of 116 square metres of library floor space on the grounds that “there is no demand for continued community or education use” – an assertion that the Society believes cannot be justified and provides a legitimate reason for an objection.

Objections can be registered on the Barnet Council website. Follow the link below, hit the button for “view, track and comment on planning applications” and then insert the planning application reference 16/7415/FUL

The council finally conceded on Thursday 24 November that it lacked the necessary planning permission for the library’s change of use, yet the council had already announced that the library would be closed to the public as from Monday 5 December, and it is not due to re-open, in a reduced capacity, until Monday 6 February 2017.

3 thoughts on “Outrage at library closure

  1. Library Objection It is disgraceful that floor space reduction of the Chipping Barnet library has gone ahead without planning permission or full public consultation. A ‘ dun deal by both the applicant and the planning office – the same outsourced contractor to LBB. Surely a conflict of interest is present here? Would never be allowed in the public arena. Who is going to occupy these proposed new offices along with the amenity parking spaces? Education in Barnet appears to be slipping having historically achieved some of the best results in the country for its schools, particularly grammars. Now we appear to be taking a step backwards, being directed into ‘blended learning’ at the new academies along with a loss of our libraries and community facilities. The Chipping Barnet library is the meeting hub of the community for young and old. Clubs and events radiate information outwards from this point into the general populace. The nearby local college admits a good percentage of foreign students who need access in term time to such a public facility to enable quiet research via both book and computer. Experienced staff on site are essential to provide any necessary guidance. Capita ( the applicant) of course is the outsourced partner of LBB and run purely for profit. The CB Library was designed and built with public funding. Surely, we the residents and tax payers of Barnet should have a majority say in what happens to the family silver. The cost of this refurbishment does not warrant the so-called savings being advertised. That said, this proposal is most unpopular with the general public, resident’s associations and civic unions. Councillors are elected as our representatives and should honour their brief to embody public opinion and reject this cut. Once lost, it is lost forever………..

  2. Chipping Barnet Library has closed for 2 months, presumably to carry out building works. The planning application for building works to the Library has not yet been approved.

    According to Barnet Council’s own website “When building works are carried out without the correct permissions it is a breach of planning control.”

    Has anyone contacted Planning Enforcement to suggest they put a stop to this unapproved work?

  3. The existing library and community facilities at Chipping Barnet library should be maintained: this is the main library in the north of the borough, which is very accessible by public transport and widely used. Such facilities are not easily replaceable and will be lost if this goes ahead. Another nail in the coffin for community facilities that aren’t based on commercial activity.

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