One hour free at Moxon Street car park

3 Dec 2013
Written by Nick Jones

After sustained pressure from local traders and community groups, Barnet Council has agreed to provide a sizeable number of free spaces for car parking close to the High Barnet town centre.

The new tariffs

Moxon Street car park, which has 64 spaces, is now available for up to an hour of free parking. In addition, two instead of one hour of free parking is now being offered in the dual-use bays on Hadley Green.

As a further boost to traders the Council has agreed to allow free parking in council car parks over three weekends in the run-up to Christmas – 7/8, 14/15 and 21/22 December.

The decision to provide space for free parking at both Moxon Street car park and Hadley Green – which came into force on Monday 2 December – is seen as a response to the long-running campaign by some traders and local groups for half an hour of free parking in the 22 spaces on the High Street.

Free Parking LeafletAt present free parking is only allowed on the High Street in loading bays where motorists can stop for 15 minutes between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

The campaign to secure free parking in and around the High Barnet town centre has had the support of local groups including the Chipping Barnet Town Team, Barnet Society and Barnet Residents Association.

Many of their members have long argued that High Barnet traders and residents have lost out because free parking is allowed in other nearby shopping centres such as Whetstone High Road, Potters Bar and London Colney.

The new tariffs in High Barnet are:

  • Moxon Street car park: up to 1 hour free; up to 2 hours £2.00; up to 4 hours £2.50.
  • Hadley Green dual-use bays (resident and business permits, long stay pay by phone):  up to 2 hours free; over 2 hours £4.55.
  • Free bays in the High Street operate in loading bays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and allow 15 minutes free parking (no return within one hour).

All other High Barnet car park tariffs remain the same.

Would it be better to allow a free half-hour parking in the spaces along the High Street?

What is the verdict of High Barnet residents and traders?  Is up to an hour free parking in the Moxon Street car park the right solution for High Barnet?  Would it be better to allow a free half-hour parking in the spaces along the High Street?

Please give your comments.

4 thoughts on “One hour free at Moxon Street car park

  1. Hello,
    I work close to this carpark and live in barnet not walking distance. I park at 09:00 am remove my car at 13:00 and park again 14:00 to 17:00 I am confused which is best option to park? Please advice

  2. You had some very good points there until the ‘I pay your wages’ comment about council employees. You do not pay council employees wages, you pay council tax. It doesnt quite work like that. To hear this from anyone is pretty insulting, to be honest. You can probably guess I am a council employee, and I have heard this line many times before. I am not a parking warden-and must add that i dont agree with their tactics-but even if I was, I would mostly just be ‘following orders’. The parking situation is dire in barnet, the shop rents are astronomical, there seems to be no effort (or successful one) to attract businesses that would make people want to shop in Barnet, there is not exactly a good range of shops (unless you like coffee and getting your eyes tested). So blame the council, blame the fact that the majority keep voting the same council in, while moaning about the past and futures decision of the party you voted in. Blame greedy landlords. A low level council does not deserve this ‘I pay your wages’ crap, they are just trying to do there job, have probably had a pay freeze for 5 years (essentially a cut every year), who most likely has to fight for their job every other year after the latest cuts, is expected to.deliver a better service with less year on year-and have to still listen to this rubbish. Blame the policy makers; the ones who decide how YOUR money is spent…blame the council who is privatised YOUR services right under your nose…blame the politicians, and vote with your feet. Most council employees are hard working, decent people. So decent, in fact, that we ‘pay our own wages(!) Guess what? I pay council tax too…

  3. I have to report that having been pleased last Saturday at not having to fiddle around with a mobile ‘phone in order to park for 5 minutes in the Stapylton Road car park in Chipping Barnet, I was soon disappointed.

    Barnet Council seem to have decided to give with one hand and penalize with another. It was such a welcome idea to allow some free parking at the weekends leading up to Christmas, but it seems instructions must have been issued to parking wardens to reap back any revenue lost by such a gesture.

    I am now in te position of having to contest a £55 (potentially £110) parking ticket issued for ONE MINUTE (17.42 to 17.43) on Monday 9th December at the Hadley Green end of the High Street. Obviously we are back to the ‘lurking ready to pounce’ type of parking warden and it sours the whole idea of Barnet Council trying to help traders.

    I have, when mentioning the weekend free parking, had comments such as ‘I would never shop in High Barnet because of the parking situation’. My experience proves such comments to be well founded.

    In 42 years of paying (non-discounted) council tax in Barnet I wonder why I have never been consulted about parking ‘plans’ and would like to put the point that Council Staff are employees of council tax payers. If, when running a business, staff being paid by me had just done what they liked, without consultation, possibly turning clients towards a competitor, the business would have soon ceased to exist.

    The only recourse council tax payers (and therefore Council wage and pension payers) have is with a vote but this is ineffective when permanent staff are not affected.

    I hope you can let me know what is going on with the ‘so called’ boost to High Barnet trade.

  4. Yes I agree 30 mins. free parking in High Street would
    support Barnet shops, keep the town vibrant and in the long run create money for the Council.

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