Policy changes to encourage cultural and fun events in Barnet’s parks and open spaces
Developing Barnet as “a borough of fun” is the objective of Barnet Council and to help achieve this there are to be increases in the number of people who are allowed to attend events in some of the borough’s 200 parks and open spaces.
Old Court House Recreation Ground, off Wood Street, High Barnet (above), is one where the capacity for fairs, festivals and community events is to be increased to a maximum daily attendance of 2,500.
At Barnet playing fields in Underhill the capacity of the site has been revised upwards from 1,000 to over 5,000.
But there are reductions in the numbers permitted for events in some open spaces such as Hadley Green where the upper limit has been cut from 1,000 to 500.
A new policy agreed by the council’s environment and climate change committee aims to make greater public use of parks and open spaces while protecting the environment and providing “an enjoyable experience for everyone”.
The committee hopes that the changes will encourage a varied programme of outdoor events that have a strong community benefit and engagement, and enhanced cultural experience, as well as well those organised by commercial operators such as concerts or funfairs.
Revised limits on capacity – see below for changes to local parks and open spaces – reflect factors such as the size of the area, public accessibility and the likely impact of nearby residents.
Increasing the capacity at the Old Court House Recreation Ground – from up to 1,000 to up to a maximum of 2,499 – has been welcomed by Barnet Bowls and Croquet Club which shares the site and is next to the children’s playground.
Brian Wass, a long-standing committee member, thought that encouraging more public events such as community fairs and festivals would bring more people into the recreation ground and help promote the attraction of sports like bowls and croquet.
“Old Court House is made up of several separate lawns with lots of paths and access points, as well as its own car park, and it could take a big local event with stalls, sideshows and so on.
“There have been festivals and fairs here in the past.”
A medieval festival celebrating the Battle of Barnet was held on the lawn behind Barnet Museum.
From Easter onwards, Barnet Bowls Club, which was established in 1926, is converting one of its two bowling greens to croquet in the hope of attracting new members.
Four croquet sets have been loaned to the club by the Croquet Association and another four are being purchased with the help of a grant from Barnet U3A.
“We hope croquet will attract younger players. It is also more enjoyable for elderly people who have trouble bending down to play bowls.
“Finchley Bowls Club introduced croquet three years ago and they have attracted 60 additional members. We hope croquet lawn in Barnet will prove just as appealing.”
Guidance in the new policy for community or commercial use of parks and open spaces says an event is a gathering of 50 or more people; where infrastructure is brought on to the site; and where activities such as music and catering are proposed.
Community events, organised by voluntary groups, schools and places of worship, can charge an entrance fee.
Commercial events include music concerts, festivals, food fairs or markets, charity fundraising events, funfairs, and circuses.
Each application for an event in a park or open space would be considered against a set of criteria.
Designated upper attendance limits did not mean that an event for the top bracket would be approved automatically as each event would be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Parks reclassified with increased capacity include: Barnet playing fields, over 5,000; Oak Hill Park over 5,000; Old Court House Recreation Ground, 500 to 2,499; Tudor Sports Ground, 500 to 2,499; Victoria Recreation Ground, 2,500 to 4,999; Whitings Hill open space/community forest, 2,500 to 4,999.
Byng Road playing fields have been added to the list, with capacity of 2,500 to 4,999.
Parks reclassified with reduced capacity include: Hadley Green, up to 499; King George’s Field, up to 499; Meadway open space, up to 499; Quinta open space, up to 499.
Parks and open spaces no longer available for events include: King George V playing fields, Barnet Lane.
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