Re-opening Tudor Park’s dilapidated former cricket pavilion a step closer with charitable status

27 Jan 2023
Written by Nick Jones

Another milestone has been passed on the long and challenging road towards re-furbishing and re-opening the historic cricket pavilion in Tudor Park, New Barnet

Countless hours spent on paperwork and form filling have paid off and the Friends of Tudor Park and Pavilion have finally achieved charitable status.

Gaining the approval of the Charity Commission is a critical requirement in the Friends’ drive to secure funding and to obtain a lease on the abandoned pavilion.

Bringing the dilapidated property back to life – see above – as a focal point for the community is a project that has strong support, and the Friends have already carried out surveys on what amenities people in Barnet Vale would most like to see provided.

Having gained charitable status, the friends have now submitted an expression of interest to the National Lottery Community Fund for a possible grant of up to £800,000.

Earlier this year Barnet Council awarded the friends £200,000 in funding for use within the next two years and that has necessitated action to get the project off the ground.

After the success of their big picnic last summer – to raise awareness and support – the friends are planning another community event in May to coincide with the Bank Holiday for the coronation of King Charles.

John Hay, trustee of the Friends, said the Charity Commission seemed to have little hesitation is approving their application.

Charitable status allows organisations and good causes to access public funding; provides tax relief on donations; and allows other tax reliefs and exemptions.

Mr Hay (far right) and members of the Friends’ organising committee – Hilary Chamberlain and Simon Kaufman – were busy promoting the restoration project on the Barnet Society stand at the annual Barnet Christmas Fayre in December.

 Mr Kaufman said that now the project had been formally established as a charity, negotiations could begin with Barnet Council over a lease for the pavilion and that will be followed by more fund raising and the preparation of plans for the refurbishment of the building.

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